Up­dat­ed dead spots map shows test re­sults from 300,000 users

Year of issue 2025
Date of issue 2025.02.06

The Bundesnetzagentur has today updated its dead spots map. The map shows the test spot results obtained using the broadband and dead spot checker app in the last year.

Users can now also view these test results online as visuals, as either diagrams or tables. The diagrams and tables include the available test results for 2024 and categorise these by federal state and county. The results are also broken down into network operators and technologies.

The broadband and dead spot application (app)

Users of the broadband and dead spot checker app produce the test results themselves with their own devices and mobile contracts. They can record if there is a dead spot without any mobile coverage or if mobile coverage is available. Even the mobile communications technology available can be detected. The more test points submitted, the more detailed the information available in the individual regions. However, the map does not give any conclusive information on a specific network operator’s locally available network technology. The app was developed for the Bundesnetzagentur and is available free of charge in the respective app store for Android and iOS.

The data presented in the map cover the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2024. This includes some 250 million test points submitted by around 300,000 users of the broadband and dead spot checker app. Users of the application can download the geodata in the map itself. The data for download from the dead spots map are updated every quarter.

The dead spots map together with the diagrams and tables is available at https://breitbandmessung.de (in German).

Background information

The dead spots map is part of the federal “Gigabitgrundbuch”, the gigabit register. The gigabit register comprises six information services with different purposes for different target groups. The broadband atlas, the mobile communications monitoring, the broadband speeds map and the dead spots map are available to any user. Access to the infrastructure atlas and the analysis platform is restricted to those involved in broadband rollout.

Further information on the gigabit register is available in German at https://gigabitgrundbuch.bund.de.

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