Deutsche Post stan­dard let­ter to cost 95 cents as from 2025

Year of issue 2024
Date of issue 2024.12.11

Deutsche Post AG will have new postage rates beginning 1 January 2025. The Bundesnetzagentur has today provisionally approved new letter postage rates.

As proposed by Deutsche Post, a standard letter will cost 95 cents (currently 85 cents), a compact letter €1.10 (currently €1.00), a large letter €1.80 (currently €1.60) and a maxi letter €2.90 (currently €2.75). The stamp price for postcards will increase from 70 cents to 95 cents.

As from January a “Päckchen S” will cost €4.19 (currently €3.99) and a “Päckchen M” will cost €5.19 (currently €4.79). A domestic parcel up to 2 kg will cost €6.19 (currently €5.49) and a domestic parcel from 2 to 5 kg will cost €7.69 (currently €6.99).

In the rates approval the Bundesnetzagentur examines whether the price increase complies with the margin of 10.48% for the letters sector and 7.21% for personal customer parcels as set out in the benchmarking procedure from 11 November 2024 for new postage rates. Deutsche Post AG has entrepreneurial freedom to decide how it allocates these price increase margins to the individual products.

An interest group of mail service providers has been summoned and a final decision cannot yet be made. This could happen in the spring of 2025, after the party summoned has inspected the files and been given the opportunity to comment.

Postage rate procedure under the new Postal Act (PostG)

The new postage rates were preceded by the price cap procedure, in which the Bundesnetzagentur defined the scope for adjustments to Deutsche Post’s rates. The scope for rate increases results from an overall increase in prices (inflation rate) and growth in productivity.

For the first time the postage rate procedure is being conducted under the provisions of the new PostG. The scope for setting rates is now determined for three areas (personal customer letters, access services (business mail) and personal customer parcels) instead of one as was previously the case. The primary purpose of the postage rate procedure is to ensure the financing of universal service throughout Germany.

The decision is available (in German) for download on the Bundesnetzagentur website at
