DSC cer­ti­fies first na­tion­al dis­pute set­tle­ment body for on­line plat­forms

Year of issue 2024
Date of issue 2024.08.12

The Digital Services Coordinator (DSC) at the Bundesnetzagentur has today certified the first out-of-court dispute settlement body in Germany in accordance with the Digital Services Act (DSA). The Berlin-based User Rights GmbH was the first organisation to submit an application to the Digital Services Coordinator to qualify for certification.

"Certification of the first out-of-court dispute settlement body in Germany is an important step in consistently implementing DSA rules in Germany," said Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur. "Out-of-court dispute settlement is a quick and simple way for users to defend themselves against decisions made by online platforms. It applies when illegal content is not deleted or when accounts are (or are not) blocked."

The User Rights GmbH dispute settlement body focuses on dispute resolution on social media platforms and is initially only accepting dispute resolution requests related to TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn. Other social media platforms will be added gradually.

Out-of-court dispute settlement bodies for online platforms

Out-of-court dispute settlement with a certified out-of-court dispute settlement body is a quick and easy way to resolve user conflicts over decisions made by online platforms. Users can contact these certified organisations to request the review of an online platform's decision to delete content, for example, or to restrict usage or block a user account. In these and similar cases the out-of-court dispute settlement bodies mediate independently and impartially between the user and the online platform. The costs of dispute settlement are borne by the online platforms and users incur little or no fees.

Out-of-court dispute settlement bodies have a high level of technical expertise and the necessary means to examine and resolve disputes fairly, quickly and transparently.

During the qualification procedure the DSC reviewed numerous documents that were submitted so as to ensure fulfilment of the legal requirements for certification. User Rights GmbH demonstrated its independence and impartiality, its professional knowledge of the applicable legal norms and of the online platforms' general terms and conditions as well as a quick and efficient approach to the dispute resolution procedure.

Tasks of the Digital Services Coordinator (DSC)

The DSC is the central coordinating body for enforcement of the DSA in Germany. It monitors service providers and online platforms for compliance with their obligations, acts as a central point for complaints by online users when the DSA has been violated and coordinates cooperation between competent authorities in Germany and the EU.

The DSC certifies out-of-court dispute settlement bodies and trusted flaggers. Upon request the DSC can grant vetted researchers access to data of very large online platforms and search engines.

The Digital Services Act

The DSA sets new, uniform standards for a secure, predictable and trustworthy online environment and protects the rights of online users. The DSA requires digital services and online platforms to be more diligent and transparent and makes it easier to crack down on illegal content and products, hate, agitation and disinformation.

Further information about the DSC is available (in German) at www.dsc.bund.de.

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