Bun­desnet­za­gen­tur re­ceives the ap­pli­ca­tion for the hy­dro­gen core net­work

Klaus Müller: "Submission of the application is an essential step in creating the hydrogen core network"

Year of issue 2024
Date of issue 2024.07.23

The transmission system operators (TSOs) have submitted their hydrogen core network application to the Bundesnetzagentur. The future hydrogen core network should include important hydrogen infrastructure that will be put into operation gradually by 2032. Overall the application provides for a line length of 9,666 km (around 60% of which are to be converted lines) with expected investment costs of €19.7bn.

"We are taking a close look at the proposed network to verify that it is in compliance with legal requirements. Setting up the hydrogen core network begins with the Bundesnetzagentur's approval of the application," explained Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur.

Assessing the hydrogen core network

The hydrogen core network is the building block for developing Germany's nationwide hydrogen infrastructure. Its aim is to expedite the hydrogen ramp-up. The Bundesnetzagentur is now checking whether or not the proposed hydrogen core network meets the legal requirements. For example, hydrogen producers, storage facilities and large consumers must be interconnected and there must be access points to the European hydrogen network.

Once the core network is established, the hydrogen infrastructure will be continuously developed in the form of a two-year network development plan so that further hydrogen needs and sources can be successively integrated. This autumn the Bundesnetzagentur will conduct a consultation on the plan on the basis of the scenario framework drawn up by the TSOs.

The application for the hydrogen core network is based on section 28q of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG) and is expected to be approved by the Bundesnetzagentur within two months.

Consultation on the application for the hydrogen core network

To review the application swiftly, the Bundesnetzagentur is conducting a consultation on the application from 23 July to 6 August 2024. Comments on the application for the hydrogen core network can be submitted by 6 August 2024 to wasserstoff-kernnetz@bnetza.de.

The hydrogen core network application has been published at www.bundesnetzagentur.de/wasserstoff-kernnetz.
