Bun­desnet­za­gen­tur adopts reg­u­la­to­ry frame­work for Glas­fas­er Nord­West GmbH and Glas­fas­er Plus GmbH

Klaus Müller, Bundesnetzagentur President: "Fibre regulatory framework complete"

Year of issue 2024
Date of issue 2024.07.17

In four orders the Bundesnetzagentur has laid down regulation for Glasfaser NordWest GmbH and Glasfaser Plus GmbH. The orders extend the framework that already applies to the optical fibre infrastructure of Telekom Deutschland GmbH (Telekom) to its fibre holdings.

"With this decision we are completing the regulatory framework in the fibre sector and creating uniform and transparent access conditions for competitors," said Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur.

Glasfaser NordWest GmbH and Glasfaser Plus GmbH operate solely on the wholesale level. Their core business is offering active fibre connections to other network operators as a wholesale product.

The decisions require Glasfaser NordWest GmbH and Glasfaser Plus GmbH to make available capacity in their ducts accessible to other network operators. Information about free duct capacity is to be made accessible (as with Telekom) via the infrastructure atlas as a "gigabit register", ie as a single information point.

As is the case with Telekom, the provision of access at active level is supplemented by a strict non-discrimination obligation. Extensive monitoring and transparency requirements safeguard this obligation. As with Telekom, access seekers in the expansion areas of joint ventures must also be able to cost-efficiently replicate Telekom's retail products.

The decision was preceded by intense discussion with all stakeholders. The European Commission approved the draft measures in the statutory final voting procedure of the European Commission and the regulatory authorities of the other Member States.

The new framework conditions are currently expected to be in place for around two years until they are replaced by new Bundesnetzagentur decisions. The Bundesnetzagentur has already collected initial data, which will be supplemented through upcoming surveys. This data will be used to review existing market conditions and any necessary adjustments will be made to the regulatory framework.

The regulatory orders will be posted on the Bundesnetzagentur's website within the next few days.
