Gas sup­ply in­ter­rup­tions in 2023

Klaus Müller, Bundesnetzagentur President: "German gas supply reliable in 2023"

Year of issue 2024
Date of issue 2024.07.11

On average customers were not supplied with gas last year for 1.26 minutes. In the previous year it was 1.52 minutes, which is what the long-term average is, too.

"The current figures confirm the high level of reliability of gas supply in Germany," said Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur.

Interruptions in supply were caused mainly by damage to gas pipelines during construction work.

The Bundesnetzagentur calculates the SAIDI every year

Since 2006 the Bundesnetzagentur has calculated the SAIDI figure from yearly notifications from every German gas network operator. The SAIDI shows the average interruption in supply in minutes per connected end-user. SAIDI stands for System Average Interruption Duration Index.

It indicates the average interruption duration per final customer over the course of one year. The index only measures unplanned interruptions, such as third party interventions, disturbances in the network operator's area, ripple effects from other networks or other disturbances.

Interruptions in supply owing to force majeure are not included in the calculation of the SAIDI.

Further information and data are available at, where the changes in the SAIDI figures over the last few years can also be found.
