Bun­desnet­za­gen­tur pub­lish­es new da­ta on broad­band cov­er­age in the Broad­band At­las

Year of issue 2024
Date of issue 2024.06.19

The Bundesnetzagentur has today published new data in the Broadband Atlas on fixed network coverage.
"The Broadband Atlas has a good database and we are constantly working on improving it further," said Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur

More fibre access networks

The figures in the Broadband Atlas show that at the end of 2023 one in three households (32.1%) were supplied with gigabit-capable optical fibre based on Fibre to the Home/Building (FTTH/B) infrastructure. Coverage with a transmission rate of 1000 Mbps (gigabit coverage) increased across all technologies to just under 75%. A large part of this coverage was provided by upgraded cable networks. The common speed of 100 Mbps, which is often booked even when higher transmission rates of data are available, is now available for more than 93% of households.

Analysis platform

The updated data is also reflected on the analysis platform, which presents decision makers from central government and the federal states with broadband and rollout information. With access to the address-specific level of data, the analysis platform allows for additional assessment methods beyond those of the public Broadband Atlas and is therefore restricted to specific user groups.

Background to the Broadband Atlas

The Broadband Atlas is a publicly available portal in the Gigabit Register (https://gigabitgrundbuch.bund.de/GIGA/DE/Breitbandatlas/start.html). It shows which coverage is available at the national, regional and local level. The most detailed level of coverage shown in raster cells depicting 100 m by 100 m. In total the Broadband Atlas shows the coverage data provided by more than 380 telecommunications companies.

The Broadband Atlas has been operated since 2005 by various responsible parties and is constantly and methodically being further developed. Since 2022 it has formed part of the Gigabit Register at the Bundesnetzagentur and is based on address-specific, mandatory data supply. The gigabit strategy is designed so that the Bundesnetzagentur builds up the Gigabit Register as a central data hub that securely brings together all the relevant information for fast rollout of fibre and mobile technology, with the information specifically linked together, prepared and made available for the user.
