De­ter­mi­na­tion of price ceil­ing for in­no­va­tion auc­tions

Year of issue 2024
Date of issue 2024.03.22

The Bundesnetzagentur has today set the price ceiling for innovation auctions that will be held in the next twelve months at 9.18 cents per kilowatt hour, the same as the current price ceiling.

"By keeping this price ceiling, we are ensuring a framework in this sector, too, that continues to be stable. We have now determined the price ceilings for all the auctions taking place in 2024," said Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur.

Determination maintains the price ceiling

The Bundesnetzagentur raised the price ceiling last year to reflect the higher costs. The new determination of price ceilings maintains the previously determined value. If no new determination had been issued, the price ceiling would have returned to the value of 7.28 ct/kWh set out in law. Based on experience from previous auction rounds, it may be assumed that no bids would have been submitted at the price ceiling set out in law or, at least, the bid volume would have been well below the auction volume. Innovation auctions would thus not have been able to contribute to meeting the target for transforming the electricity supply into a sustainable and greenhouse gas-neutral system. The determination is intended both to enable companies to make adequate bids and to create a context in which competition for support is possible.

The determination of the price ceiling and more information on innovation auctions may be found at

The determination will also be published in the next Official Gazette of the Bundesnetzagentur.
