Bun­desnet­za­gen­tur pub­lish­es gas sup­ply fig­ures for 2023

The Bundesnetzagentur has today published gas supply figures for the year 2023.

Year of issue 2024
Date of issue 2024.01.04

Gas imports and exports

According to preliminary figures, the total volume of natural gas imported into Germany in 2023 was 968 TWh (2022: 1,437 TWh). The largest volumes came from Norway (43%), the Netherlands (26%) and Belgium (22%). Gas exports to neighbouring countries were considerably lower than in the previous year. The total volume of gas exported in 2023 was 187 TWh (2022: 499 TWh). The largest share of exports went to Czechia, with 42%, while 19% went to the Netherlands and 18% to Austria.

Germany's first liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal started operation in Wilhelmshaven in December 2022. It was followed by the terminals in Lubmin and Brunsbüttel in January and March 2023. The country's fourth LNG terminal went into operation in Stade in December 2023, with the first gas deliveries expected in February 2024.

The total volume of natural gas imported into Germany via German LNG terminals in 2023 was 69,656 GWh. This represents 7% of Germany's total gas imports.

Gas consumption down

Germany consumed much less gas in 2023. Overall, consumption was 5% down on the previous year. Household and commercial customers accounted for about 41% of Germany's total consumption and industrial customers for 59%. Gas consumption was 17.5% below average consumption in the years 2018 to 2021. Private households and commercial customers cut consumption by 16.4% and industrial customers by 18.3%.

The figures for the fourth quarter of 2023 allow a look back at the first half of this winter. From October to December 2023 alone, consumption by industrial customers was 16% lower than in the years 2018 to 2021, while consumption by household and commercial customers was 16.7% lower.

Temperatures had a strong effect on gas consumption. Overall, they brought down consumption compared to previous years. Average temperatures in 2023 were 0.58°C above the average for 2018 to 2021. Temperatures in October were 1.5°C higher and in November 0.3°C higher than the monthly averages. The average temperature in December was 4.0°C, 0.8°C above the average for 2018 to 2021.

Gas storage facilities filled more quickly

The statutory requirements for gas storage levels set a target of 85% for 1 October and 95% for 1 November. Both targets were met considerably earlier in 2023. Storage facilities reached a level of 85% as early as July 2023 and 95% on 25 September 2023. As from 9 April 2023, more gas was being injected into storage than withdrawn from it, and a storage level of 100% was then reached on 4 November 2023.

The current level at gas storage facilities is 91%, similar to last year. This is an excellent basis for the remaining winter months. Injection into storage facilities will continue to be a challenge in 2024 as a degree of uncertainty remains with regard to Germany's gas supply.

Gas prices down

There was another large year-on-year decrease in gas prices in 2023. The average day-ahead price in 2023 was €41/MWh. The average in 2022 was considerably higher at €127.1/MWh. The current level is around €30/MWh.

The Bundesnetzagentur has published more figures and data about the gas supply in 2023 at www.bundesnetzagentur.de/gasversorgung-rueckblick2023 (in German).
