Re­sults of the auc­tion for so­lar in­stal­la­tions on build­ings and noise bar­ri­ers

Year of issue 2023
Date of issue 2023.11.21

The Bundesnetzagentur has today published the results of the auction for solar installations mounted on buildings and noise barriers (second-segment solar installations), which closed for bids on 1 October 2023.

"This auction round was nearly twice oversubscribed, and the strong competition has led to lower award prices. It is pleasing to see how the awards are spread over the country, with at least one winning bid in each federal state," said Klaus Müller, Bundesnetzagentur President.

Auction for solar installations on buildings and noise barriers

The Bundesnetzagentur has today announced the results of the auction for solar installations on buildings and noise barriers (second-segment solar installations), which closed for bids on 1 October 2023.

This auction round was significantly oversubscribed. The auction was for a volume of 191 megawatts (MW), and 184 bids with a total volume of 373 MW were received.

A total of 88 bids with a combined volume of 191 MW were successful. The prices of the successful bids in the pay-as-bid auction range from 8.80 cents per kilowatt hour (ct/kWh) to 9.98 ct/kWh; these prices are lower than both the highest bid price in this auction (11.25 ct/kWh) and the highest award price in the previous auction (10.80 ct/kWh). The volume-weighted average award price is 9.58 ct/kWh, which is 0.6 ct/kWh lower than the average of 10.18 ct/kWh in the previous auction.

The awards are again spread evenly across the country. North Rhine-Westphalia has the most winning projects (14 awards with a combined volume of 27 MW), followed by Lower Saxony (13 awards, 25 MW), Bavaria (13 awards, 21 MW) and Baden-Württemberg (11 awards, 20 MW), making them again the four federal states with the highest number of awards.

Bids were allowed for a volume higher than 1 MW and up to 20 MW. In all, 64 of the winning bids were for a volume up to 2 MW. The largest bid was for a volume of 17 MW.

A total of 12 bids had to be excluded from the tendering procedure due to formal errors.

Next steps

These auction results are being published as an exception before the results of the auction for biomass plants that closed for bids on 1 October 2023. This is because the results of this auction for second-segment solar installations are used to prepare the determination proceedings for the next year. The results of the auction for biomass plants will be announced later; the delay is due to the large number of bids submitted in the auction.

Further information about the auctions is available on the Bundesnetzagentur's website at (in German).

The statistics for the auctions are updated after each auction.

The next auction for second-segment solar installations will close for bids on 1 February 2024.
