Re­sults of the CHP auc­tions

Several zero-cent bids for all sites auctioned

Year of issue 2023
Date of issue 2023.06.21

The Bundesnetzagentur has today announced the results of the auctions for combined heat and power (CHP) installations and innovative CHP systems, which closed for bids on 1 June 2023. Two separate auctions were held.

Auction for CHP installations

A total of 20 bids with a volume of 114.966 megawatts (MW) were submitted on time for the volume of 75.574 MW up for auction for CHP installations. The auction was thus significantly oversubscribed. Two bids were not admissible on formal grounds. All 18 admissible bids with a volume of 75.266 MW were awarded.

The prices of the successful bids range from 5.89 cents per kilowatt hour (ct/kWh) to 6.95 ct/kWh. The average volume-weighted award price is 6.43 ct/kWh, which is higher than the average price of 6.14 ct/kWh in the previous auction with a bidding deadline of 1 December 2022.

Auction for innovative CHP systems

A total of 10 bids with a volume of 21.424 MW were submitted for the volume of 25 MW up for auction for innovative CHP systems. The auction was thus undersubscribed.

Two bids were not admissible on formal grounds; the eight admissible bids with a volume of 10.864 MW were awarded. The prices of the successful bids range from 9.50 ct/kWh to 11.90 ct/kWh. The average volume-weighted award price is 11.30 ct/kWh, which is higher than the average price of 11.22 ct/kWh in the previous auction with a bidding deadline of 1 December 2022.

Details of the successful bids can be found here (in German):

CHP plants:

innovative CHP systems:

The next CHP auctions to be held will close for bids on 1 December 2023. Information on the auctions will again be available in advance on the Bundesnetzagentur's website.

Press release (pdf / 135 KB)
