Bun­desnet­za­gen­tur launch­es con­sul­ta­tion for Gas Net­work De­vel­op­ment Plan 2022-2032

Klaus Müller: "Working towards more diversified gas sources"

Year of issue 2023
Date of issue 2023.05.16

The Bundesnetzagentur has today started the consultation on the draft Gas Network Development Plan (NDP) 2022-2032 produced by the transmission system operators (TSOs).

"The gas network has to be adapted to permanently replace Russian gas imports. The proposed network expansion will allow future volumes of LNG to be transported reliably, with the aim of getting the network ready for a greater diversification of our gas sources," said Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur.

Three new modelling variants for diversified gas sources

The TSOs submitted the draft NDP to the Bundesnetzagentur on 31 March 2023. In it, they have calculated network variants in which no more Russian gas is fed in. The aim of these variants is to include just as much new import capacity as necessary for a secure supply in the future.

By looking at several variants and allocating the network expansion measures to the individual LNG facilities and cross-border interconnection points, it is possible to assess whether the network expansion identified is proportionate, with a particular view to the targets of energy and climate policy. This is further underpinned by the fact that all variants assume a 20% reduction in gas consumption.

In their draft the TSOs propose upgrading the German transmission system to transport natural gas from German LNG facilities as well as higher imports from the country's western European neighbours, in particular the Netherlands and Belgium ("LNGplus C" variant).

Identification of infrastructure for hydrogen

In a separate model calculation, the TSOs, together with other potential hydrogen network operators, have established possible hydrogen networks for 2027 (three subnetworks) and 2032 (a contiguous hydrogen network) based on more than 250 hydrogen projects and pipeline registrations.

The TSOs have identified the natural gas lines that could be converted from natural gas to hydrogen in this modelling. They have also proposed measures to strengthen the existing network to enable the conversion from gas to hydrogen lines.

Consultation process

Actual and potential network users, as well as other stakeholders, are invited to submit comments on the TSOs' draft by 13 June 2023. The Bundesnetzagentur may subsequently require amendments to the NDP.

The TSOs' draft NDP and the consultation questionnaire are available on the Bundesnetzagentur website at www.bundesnetzagentur.de/nepgas2022-2032.

Press release (pdf / 124 KB)
