New Di­rec­tor of the CEPT sec­re­tari­at

Year of issue 2023
Date of issue 2023.03.31

On 1 April 2023, Thomas Ewers takes over as Director of the European Communications Office (ECO). He will thus leave his current post as head of the department for technical regulation and standardisation at the Bundesnetzagentur.

"We are delighted that Mr Ewers, our Bundesnetzagentur colleague, is to hold this very important international position. We wish him every success in his new role," said Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur.

The European Communications Office is the central office of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT). The CEPT brings together the ministries and regulatory authorities for post and telecommunications from 46 countries. The ECO, based in Copenhagen, is made up of a multinational team of experts who support the organisation.

Thomas Ewers has many years' experience working with the CEPT and, amongst other roles, between 2007 and 2012 he chaired the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) and was part of the CEPT three-person Presidency. Moreover he has taken part in numerous World Radiocommunication Conferences of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as part of the team leading the German delegation.

Press release (pdf / 137 KB)
