Vice Pres­i­dent Dr Wil­helm Es­chweil­er ap­point­ed as BEREC Vice-Chair

Year of issue 2023
Date of issue 2023.02.23

Dr Wilhelm Eschweiler, Vice President at the Bundesnetzagentur, has been appointed as one of the Vice-Chairs of BEREC, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications.

"I am very grateful for the trust placed in me by my colleagues at BEREC in appointing me. This year, the telecommunications market is experiencing numerous challenges and new developments, which we will follow and shape," said Dr Wilhelm Eschweiler. "Artificial intelligence will bring innovative products and services for the industry, but we also need to make sure that the rights of consumers are safeguarded. In addition, the increasing spread of digital technology continues to make it clear how urgent it is for everyone to have access to very high-speed networks. At the same time, climate change and the necessary reduction in carbon emissions together with rising energy prices mean that we need resource-efficient technologies to increase the sustainability of the telecommunications sector. I will be able to draw on my long-term experience as Vice President at the Bundesnetzagentur in all these matters."

Unanimous appointment

Dr Wilhelm Eschweiler was unanimously appointed by the members of BEREC's Board of Regulators. Together with the BEREC Chair for 2023, Professor Konstantinos Masselos of EETT, the Greek regulatory authority, Dr Eschweiler and the four other Vice-Chairs make up the Mini-Board, which assists the Chair in the performance of his duties. An appointment was necessary at short notice because of the resignation of the President of CTU, the Czech regulatory authority, from her post at national level and thus also from her position as BEREC Vice-Chair.

Dr Eschweiler has represented the Bundesnetzagentur within BEREC since joining the regulatory authority in 2014. He was a member of the Mini-Board in his capacity as BEREC Chair in 2016 and as Vice-Chair in 2015 and 2017.


BEREC serves as a platform for its member regulatory authorities to exchange experience and develop common regulatory practices. These practices are published in the form of BEREC Guidelines, among others, which the national regulatory authorities have to take into utmost account in their decision-making. BEREC also assists and advises the EU institutions – the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission – in the field of telecommunications.

The focus of BEREC's work is on promoting connectivity, promoting competition and investment, contributing to the development of the internal market and promoting the interests of the citizens. These objectives are set out in BEREC's annual work programmes.

Press release (pdf / 193 KB)
