End of the pe­ri­od for meet­ing the cov­er­age obligations from the 2019 auc­tion

Network operators submit coverage reports – Bundesnetzagentur to carry out critical review

Year of issue 2023
Date of issue 2023.01.13

The mobile network operators Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG, Telekom Deutschland GmbH, Vodafone GmbH and 1&1 Mobilfunk GmbH have presented their reports on meeting the coverage obligations from the 2019 auction. The Bundesnetzagentur is now reviewing the submissions.

"We are checking the reports very closely and will also be conducting measurements in the field to determine whether the coverage notified is actually available. If the coverage requirements have not been met, we will impose any sanctions at our disposal," said Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur.

In recent months the network operators have made noticeable efforts to meet the obligations, and significant improvements in mobile broadband coverage have been reported. In some locations temporary mobile sites were set up that will be replaced by mobile masts in the future. However, some gaps still remain.

The companies’ submissions

According to their own statements, all three mobile network operators have met the requirement to provide coverage of at least 100 Mbps for 98% of households in each federal state. They also reported that they have provided 100 Mbps coverage for nearly all transport routes in compliance with the requirement. The obligation imposed on each mobile network operator to put 1,000 5G base stations into operation was largely fulfilled.

However, coverage is still inadequate at some locations such as on transport routes and in particular in tunnels. According to the mobile network operators it was not possible to provide coverage for these sites by the deadline because approvals were outstanding, third parties had to be included, public acceptance of mobile sites was lacking or there were nature conservation concerns that did not align with expansion of mobile coverage.

According to the new entrant 1&1's report, it put a 5G mobile network for use by public end-users into operation in December 2022 but did not fulfil its obligation to put 1,000 5G base stations into operation by the deadline. 1&1 also provided reasons why this happened and intends to meet the objective this year.

Review by the Bundesnetzagentur

The Bundesnetzagentur is currently reviewing the information provided by the mobile network operators and will check in particular the reasons given by the operators for delays. The Bundesnetzagentur's radio monitoring and inspection service will also carry out measurements on a random basis.

In 2022 the radio monitoring and inspection service already conducted random checks on the network operators' mobile coverage in an area totalling around 15,000 square kilometres and a driving distance of around 50,000 kilometres. Measurements of mobile coverage were also made along both directions of the A7 motorway totalling around 2,000 kilometres.

As part of the overall review, the Bundesnetzagentur will decide whether the coverage obligations have has been met and will examine any measures that need to be taken to meet the coverage targets. The review is due to be completed in March.

Background to the coverage obligations

The Bundesnetzagentur imposed conditions in the assignments for the spectrum auctioned in 2019 to the effect that the mobile network operators had to ensure coverage by the end of 2022 for 98% of households nationwide, all motorways and the most important federal roads and rail routes at a minimum transmission rate of 100 Mbps per sector. For all motorways and federal roads there is a maximum latency of 10 milliseconds. In addition, each operator was required to erect 1,000 5G base stations and 500 base stations in "not-spots" by the end of 2022. Special coverage requirements apply to 1&1.

Press release (pdf / 156 KB)
