Bun­desnet­za­gen­tur con­sol­i­dates da­ta bases for broad­band roll­out in gi­ga­bit reg­is­ter

Klaus Müller: "Data portal for the efficient rollout of digital infrastructure in Germany"

Year of issue 2022
Date of issue 2022.12.13

The Bundesnetzagentur has today published the federal government's gigabit register.

The register available at www.gigabitgrundbuch.bund.de consolidates and interlinks information relating to the rollout of gigabit networks in Germany. The aim is to facilitate companies' fixed and mobile network rollout planning and create transparency on the availability of broadband networks.

"We are drawing on our expertise gained from the infrastructure atlas and mobile communications monitoring in collecting and evaluating data. We will now be publishing an even broader overview of broadband network rollout," said Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur.

The gigabit register will help to speed up companies' planning and investment decisions, create more transparency on areas suitable for rollout, and improve the use of potential synergies in rollout.

The existing information services that are now being consolidated in the gigabit register are being supplemented by an analysis platform. The new platform is especially intended for analysts responsible in the public sector for planning and managing gigabit rollout projects. The platform is currently accessible to decision-makers from federal and state bodies.

Contents of the gigabit register

The gigabit register comprises six information services with different purposes for different target groups.

Services accessible to all users:

  • broadband atlas: the central information and transparency tool for current fixed and mobile broadband coverage in Germany
  • mobile communications monitoring: the transparency tool with details of the mobile network coverage provided by mobile operators
  • broadband speed checks map: map showing the results of consumers' fixed and mobile data speed checks
  • dead-spots map: map showing actual mobile coverage based on the results from dead-spot app users.

Services only accessible to those involved in broadband rollout:

  • infrastructure atlas: the information and planning tool with details of infrastructure for the purposes of gigabit rollout project planning
  • analysis platform: the analysis tool with broadband and rollout information for decision-makers from federal and state bodies.


These services will be supplemented by a planning platform especially intended for companies in the telecommunications market involved in rollout. The platform will comprise information on existing and planned infrastructure and will enable companies to explore potential for infrastructure and trench sharing. The platform will be based on the Bundesnetzagentur's existing infrastructure atlas. It is also to include information on publicly owned property suitable for mobile rollout.

Press release (pdf / 174 KB)
