De­ci­sion on the end of 1&1 Mo­bil­funk GmbH's du­al role as a ser­vice provider and net­work op­er­a­tor

Year of issue 2022
Date of issue 2022.10.21

The Bundesnetzagentur has set deadlines for 1&1 Mobilfunk GmbH to end its dual role as a service provider and network operator. The company is required to end its sales operations as a service provider by the end of 2023 and all its business activities as a service provider by the end of 2025.

"The decision on when 1&1's dual role has to end will secure the network operator's competitive independence, which will in turn promote competition," said Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur.

Mobile network operators' competitive independence

In principle, it is not possible for a mobile network operator to also act as a service provider for another network operator. 1&1 Mobilfunk GmbH was allowed to have a dual role for a temporary period following the spectrum auction in 2019. The company has now been set deadlines to give up this dual role.


On 26 November 2018 the Bundesnetzagentur issued a decision on the award and auction rules and opened the admission process for the auction of spectrum at 2 GHz and 3.6 GHz. 1&1 Mobilfunk GmbH acquired spectrum in the auction in 2019 together with the requirement to ensure its competitive independence as a mobile network operator. The Bundesnetzagentur had yet to decide when the company would need to give up its dual role.

Companies from the 1&1 group are currently involved in service provider and mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) activities. 1&1 and its competitors were consulted a number of times about the end of the dual role.

The decision of 26 November 2018 and documents on ongoing spectrum award proceedings have been published on the Bundesnetzagentur's website at

Press release (pdf / 141 KB)
