Management con­cept for float­ing stor­age and re­gasi­fi­ca­tion units up to 2024 in conformity with the reg­u­la­to­ry ob­jec­tives

Year of issue 2022
Date of issue 2022.09.29

The Bundesnetzagentur considers the management concept of RWE and Uniper for the floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs) chartered by the federal government at the Brunsbüttel and Wilhelmshaven sites for a transitional period until the end of March 2024 to be in conformity with the regulatory objectives.

"The FSRUs operated by RWE and Uniper will already be helping to secure gas supply in winter 2022/2023. The companies' management concept is seen to be in conformity with the regulatory framework for a transitional period," said Klaus Müller, Bundesnetzagentur President.

Contribution to securing gas supply

During the initial phase of the FSRUs' operation until the end of March 2024, it is planned to only use the liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals for LNG volumes procured by the two capacity holders RWE and Uniper and by EnBW/VNG. In the Bundesnetzagentur's view, the restriction on the statutory right of third parties to access the terminal capacity is objectively justifiable for a limited period in order to guarantee the aim of the security of natural gas supply in Germany and the European Union. The fixed supply obligations and swift procurement of alternative supply volumes will make an important contribution to enhancing security of supply from this coming winter. The potential price-reducing effect is also in the interests of consumers and the general public. Limiting the restricted third-party access to a fixed period will minimise competitive disadvantages.


RWE and Uniper will be operating two FSRUs chartered by the federal government at the Brunsbüttel and Wilhelmshaven sites from the end of 2022/beginning of 2023. Until the end of March 2024, the volumes of LNG needed to exploit the capacity of the LNG terminals will be procured exclusively by RWE and Uniper and by EnBW and VNG.

The objective is to utilise the FSRUs to as high a degree as possible as soon as they become operational and thus make a reliable contribution to addressing the tense natural gas supply situation. The above-mentioned companies will commit to making full use of the unloading slots allocated to them up until the end of March 2024. The companies will procure the supply volumes independently of each other on the global market and will market the volumes brought ashore independently of each other.

Press release (pdf / 145 KB)
