Con­sul­ta­tion on a dis­count at en­try points from LNG fa­cil­i­ties

Year of issue 2022
Date of issue 2022.03.15

The Bundesnetzagentur has today launched a consultation on the determination of a possible discount at entry points from liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities. Such a discount on the network tariffs of transmission system operators may be granted on grounds of security of supply.

Market consultation to determine the level of a possible discount

As the German government is resolved to implement LNG terminals in the near future, the Bundesnetzagentur will make its decisions as quickly as possible. The authority is responsible for the regulation not only of any LNG terminals but also of the tariffs for the injection of the regasified gas into the German transmission system.

The Bundesnetzagentur has started a market consultation to create a firm basis on which to decide on a possible discount. European legislation requires the determination proceedings to be concluded in May 2022.

Basis in European law

The European network code on harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas (TAR NC) provides the legal basis for a possible discount at entry points from LNG facilities to the natural gas network. Pursuant to Article 9(2) TAR NC, a discount may be applied to the respective capacity-based transmission tariffs at these points for the purposes of increasing security of supply.

The consultation paper has been published on the Bundesnetzagentur website at

Press release (pdf / 129 KB)
