Bun­desnet­za­gen­tur wel­comes Telekom and 1&1 fi­bre op­tic agree­ment

Year of issue 2022
Date of issue 2022.02.23

Telekom and 1&1 have signed the first product contract within the framework of their fibre optic fixed network cooperation. The Bundesnetzagentur welcomes the strenghtening of the commitment made between the network operators at the beginning of 2021.

"Finalising this contract brings last year's commitment to life, making the emergence of attractive fibre optic offers possible. Both companies are resolutely and successfully utilising voluntary cooperation agreements as a foundation to forge ahead with gigabit expansion. The agreement attests to the Bundesnetzagentur's trust in the market. It shows again that the proposed "light regulatory regime" for optical fibre is appropriate," said Jochen Homann, Bundesnetzagentur President.

Last autumn the Bundesnetzagentur published its draft decision on the general conditions under which telecommunications companies can gain access in the coming years to Telekom's local loop (including bitstream products), also known as the "last mile". In the draft decision the Bundesnetzagentur proposes not regulating the new fibre networks as intensely as Telekom's copper network, which had grown out of the former monopoly. The draft regulatory order thus provides for a "light regulatory regime" for the new gigabit networks.

The agreement shows that with its planned decision the Bundesnetzagentur is on the right course, prioritising solutions found in the market and facilitating investment in fibre networks by reducing the intensity of regulation.

The draft decision has been published on the Bundesnetzagentur's website at www.bundesnetzagentur.de/ BK3i/-19 -020.

Press release (pdf / 220 KB)
