Con­sul­ta­tion on ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence in the net­work sec­tors

Jochen Homann: "Artificial intelligence offers companies a wide range of opportunities"

Year of issue 2021
Date of issue 2021.04.07

The Bundesnetzagentur today launched a consultation on the use of and future possibilities for artificial intelligence applications in the network sectors.

"Digitalised processes and artificial intelligence can enable companies to reach their growth targets in a cost-effective way," said Jochen Homann, Bundesnetzagentur President. "There are, however, also sector-specific questions when AI is used in networked infrastructures. Through the consultation the Bundesnetzagentur is seeking a dialogue with the market players about the current and future use of AI applications."

Consultation a part of the national strategy for artificial intelligence

The area of artificial intelligence has seen significant technological progress over the past several years. Many regard AI as a key technology and a driver of digitalisation. Its use in the economy and society is already reality in many areas. At the same time AI holds potential for additional economic growth and increased productivity.

With its National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence the German federal government has developed an operational framework and adopted far-reaching measures. The strategy aims for responsible research, development and application of AI and actively involves participants in a broad dialogue. Against this background the Bundesnetzagentur

began examining the use of and future possibilities for AI applications in the network sectors. The goal is to clearly identify the challenges of using AI and to point out possible solutions.

Next steps

The knowledge gained from the consultation submissions will be discussed in a workshop, as will the EU Commission’s legislative proposal on the future legal framework of AI, which is expected in April 2021.

The Bundesnetzagentur’s consultation is aimed at associations, groups of companies and undertakings. Input from small and medium-size enterprises (SME) is expressly welcomed. The Bundesnetzagentur invites all players from the telecommunications, energy, postal and railway network sectors to participate in the consultation.

A questionnaire for submitting consultation responses is available on the Bundesnetzagentur’s website (in German) until 19 May 2021 at

Press release (pdf / 333 KB)
