Nu­mer­ous fre­quen­cy as­sign­ments for 5G cam­pus net­works

List of assignments available

Year of issue 2020
Date of issue 2020.09.21

The Bundesnetzagentur has today published a list of the holders of assignments of spectrum for 5G campus networks.

"By awarding spectrum for local 5G networks, we are creating scope for innovation for enterprises. There has been a great amount of interest in the spectrum, and we are anticipating a large number of applications still to come," said Jochen Homann, Bundesnetzagentur President.

Identifying potential interference early on

The aim behind publishing a list of the assignments already made is to help potential interference between adjacent applications to be identified early on. In particular, it enables potential assignment holders to make arrangements with users of adjacent frequencies to ensure interference-free operation.
The list only contains those enterprises agreeing to publication and is updated regularly.

Great interest in the spectrum

The Bundesnetzagentur assigns frequencies in the band at 3,700 3,800 MHz for local networks. The spectrum can be used in particular for industry 4.0, but also in the agricultural and forestry sector.

A total of 74 frequency assignments have been made in the ten months since applications began. There continues to be a great amount of interest in the spectrum, and the Bundesnetzagentur is anticipating a large number of applications still to come.

The list of assignment holders and further information on local broadband are available (in German) on the Bundesnetzagentur's website at

Press release (pdf / 278 KB)
