Qual­i­ty mea­sure­ment cam­paign

Bundesnetzagentur widens quality measurement campaign

Homann: "Internet users can check net neutrality"

Year of issue 2013
Date of issue 2013.03.22

The Bundesnetzagentur has widened its nationwide quality measurement campaign. Internet users can now check on the website www.initiative-netzqualitaet.de until the end of June 2013 whether there are different speeds for data traffic in certain applications. Users can already test the speed of their broadband connection; this possibility has been available since last year.

"Our offer has been taken up very well indeed so far. Last year, customers used the broadband test some half a million times to check the service quality of their connection. I hope the possibility to measure aspects of net neutrality will be similarly used", Jochen Homann, Bundesnetzagentur President, said today.

The aim of the measurements is to gain an overview of the situation regarding important aspects of net neutrality in Germany. Looked at particularly carefully will be, for instance, whether there are any differences between providers or technologies or any geographic variations. For a really accurate picture, the Bundesnetzagentur needs the help of as many Internet users as possible.

"We want to enhance transparency for the customer. Transparency, alongside competition and efficient switching processes, is one of the main building blocks of net neutrality", Homann declared.

The test can be carried out online at www.initiative-netzqualitaet.de. Further information on the quality measurement campaign is also available there.

Press release (pdf / 52 KB)
