
Ruling chambers In the ruling chambers, regulatory decisions are taken on network access and rates approval cases and in the context of controlling sector-specific anti-competitive practices. The setting up of ruling chambers takes the specific European law requirements into account with regard to transparency and independence of decision-making mechanisms in regulation.


President's chamber

Ruling chamber 1

Responsibility for matters concerning the telecommunications and postal universal services and radio spectrum scarcity

Postal Services

Ruling chamber 5

Responsibility for rates regulation and special control of anti-competitive practices in postal services

Railway Markets

Ruling chamber 10

Responsibility for Rail Regulation


Single information point

Single information point under Section 12 of the TKG / Publications under Sections 26 and 36 of the TKG

Ruling chamber 2

Responsibility for rates regulation and the special control of abusive practices in the telephone service

Ruling chamber 3

Responsibility for the regulation of the wholesale telecommunications market with regard to the fixed and mobile network services

Ruling chamber 11

National dispute settlement body for the German Digital Networks Act (DigiNetzG)

Electricity and Gas

Grand Ruling chamber for Energy

The Grand Ruling Chamber for Energy will issue nationally applicable determinations on the conditions and methods for network access and for determining the tariffs for network access, including cost and incentive regulation.

Ruling chamber 4
Responsibility for the approval of investment measures in electricity and gas, individual system charges for electricity, pipe-to-pipe competition for gas and for determining the return on equity

Ruling chamber 6
Responsibility for the regulation of the access to electricity supply networks and for various related issues

Ruling chamber 7
Responsibility for the regulation of the access to gas supply networks and for various related issues

Ruling chamber 8
Responsibility for regulating system charges (electricity)

Ruling chamber 9
Responsibility for regulating system charges (gas)


Federal Network Agency
Office of the Ruling chambers
Tulpenfeld 4
53113 Bonn (Germany)

Email: geschaeftsstelle.bk (at) bnetza.de

Further information

Decision database
The startpage of public decisions

Current ruling chamber public hearings
