
At the Bundesnetzagentur, we place great importance on the transparency of our actions. We operate under a public service mandate and in the public interest in regulating the operators of energy supply networks, and so we provide extensive information on our website about our fundamentals, procedures and decisions.

We publish the responses to our papers on our website, unless a respondent has specifically stated that their response should not be published. Respondents also have the option of providing an additional version of their response that is suitable for publication.

We would like to point out that if a response contains personal data (such as names, signatures, telephone numbers and email addresses containing names), the respondent must ask the person or persons concerned to agree to their personal data being published or must submit an additional version for publication in which the personal data has been redacted. The same applies if a response contains trade and business secrets.

The Bundesnetzagentur is bound by law, under section 74 of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG), to publish its decisions. The operative part of the decisions and the explanatory statements are regularly published. These are available in the decisions database (German).

Guidance note on publications

The Bundesnetzagentur's decisions often contain sensitive business information comprising trade and business secrets that need to be kept confidential.

The Bundesnetzagentur and its ruling chambers have introduced standards in order to balance the public's need for information and the need to protect sensitive information in the best possible way: Guidance note on permissible redactions (September 2022) (PDF, 300 KB).
