
Current plans are for the framework and methodology determinations to be developed and discussed with the industry during 2024 with the aim of having cornerstones for the new regulatory system in place as far as possible by the notional gas base year 2025. Although the framework determination will precede the methodology determinations, work on both processes will need to run more or less in parallel because of the time pressure.

The aim is for the framework and methodology determinations to be formally completed in the course of 2025.

The individual determination proceedings will then be carried out to ensure that the necessary parameters are available in good time to determine the revenue caps.

Determination proceedings for setting specific tariffs, which is not covered by the key elements paper, are not due to start until 2025 or later.

Determination proceedings for costs and revenues and incentive regulation

All determinations on costs and revenues and on incentive regulation, which will replace the current regulatory framework under the Incentive Regulation Ordinance (ARegV), Electricity Network Tariffs Ordinance (StromNEV) and Gas Network Tariffs Ordinance (GasNEV), and which will therefore carry on from these ordinances to a certain extent, are nationally applicable determinations and are primarily the responsibility of the Grand Ruling Chamber.

Determination proceedings for access regulation

The Electricity Network Access Ordinance (StromNZV) and the Gas Network Access Ordinance (GasNZV) will cease to have effect on 31 December 2025. The process of developing rules to follow on from these ordinances therefore needs to start soon.

There will be separate determinations for the different aspects of access regulated by the Gas Network Access Ordinance (such as capacity, balancing, supplier switching, biogas access). The same applies to the aspects regulated by the Electricity Network Access Ordinance.

Possibility to transfer determinations

The Grand Ruling Chamber plans to make use of the possibility to transfer determinations to other ruling chambers as provided for by section 59(3) sentence 4 EnWG.

In the area of responsibility of Ruling Chamber 6, rules on balancing principles have already been included in the ongoing determination proceedings for supplier switching in 24 hours (BK6-22-024).


Ruling Chamber 7 plans to open determination proceedings in spring 2024. Aspects regulated by the Gas Network Access Ordinance relating to capacity-increasing measures have already been included in the ongoing ANIKA determination proceedings (BK7-23-043).

