
Proceedings conducted by the Grand Ruling Chamber for Energy and proceedings delegated to other ruling chambers

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TitleDelegationChamberReferenceSummaryDate of decision
WANDANoGrand Ruling ChamberGBK-24-01-2#1Determination of provisions on the setting of network tariffs to be charged for access to the hydrogen core network and on the establishment of a payback mechanism effective for a certain period6 June 2024
RAMENNoGrand Ruling ChamberGBK-24-01-3#3Determination of a regulatory framework and methods for incentive regulation for electricity and gas distribution system operators and gas transmission system operators
KANU 2.0NoGrand Ruling ChamberGBK-24-02-2#1Depreciation arrangements for the transformation of the gas network25 September 2024
StromNEFNoGrand Ruling ChamberGBK-24-02-1#3Determination on the methodology for determining the base level for electricity distribution system operators
GasNEFNoGrand Ruling ChamberGBK-24-02-2#3Determination on the methodology for determining the base level for gas distribution and transmission system operators
Determination of a ramp-up tariff for the hydrogen core networkNoGrand Ruling ChamberGBK-24-02-2#4Determination of the ramp-up tariff
Methodology determination for the general sectoral productivity factorNoGrand Ruling ChamberGBK-24-02-3#4The proceedings relate to the future rules for determining the general sectoral productivity factor
Methodology determination for quality regulationNoGrand Ruling ChamberGBK-24-02-1#4Determination on the development of quality regulation through the design of quality elements and on the development of an incentive system to improve energy transition competence
Methodology determination for efficiency benchmarkingNoGrand Ruling ChamberGBK-24-02-3#5Development of the principles for determining the efficiency scores for inclusion in the regulatory system (where the framework determination provides for efficiency benchmarking)
Determination of the imputed rate of return on equity for new assets in the capex markupYesRuling Chamber 4BK4-23-002Decisions on an appropriate, competitive and risk-adjusted imputed rate of return on equity for the determination of operationally necessary network costs for the setting of network tariffs for access to the gas and electricity supply networks17 January 2024
Rates of return on equity for interconnector regulationYesRuling Chamber 4BK4-23-003
Determination of the imputed rate of return on equity for offshore transmission linksYesRuling Chamber 4BK4-23-00423 September 2024
Industrial network tariffsYesRuling Chamber 4BK4-24-027Proceedings for a determination diverging from section 19(2) of the Electricity Network Tariffs Ordinance (StromNEV) in order to create system-beneficial incentives by means of a special network tariff for industrial customers
Productivity factor for electricity for the fourth regulatory periodYesRuling Chamber 4BK4-24-028Determination of the general sectoral productivity factor for operators of electricity supply networks for the fourth regulatory period of incentive-based regulation
Determination on accelerated working-day supplier switching within 24 hours (LFW24)YesRuling Chamber 6BK6-22-024
Meter data transmission YesRuling Chamber 6BK6-24-174Determination proceedings for adjustments to market communication for the implementation of meter data transmission as required by the Metering Act (MsbG)24 October 2024
MaBiS HubYesRuling Chamber 6BK6-24-210Future aggregation and settlement of data relevant to accounting21 March 2024
Determination proceedings ANIKAYesRuling Chamber 7BK7-23-043Determination for the recognition of capacity-increasing instruments21 March 2024
Determination proceedings for gas capacity (KARLA Gas 2.0)YesRuling Chamber 7BK7-24-01-007Inclusion of capacity aspects under the Gas Network Access Ordinance (GasNZV) as a result of the CJEU judgment
Determination proceedings for gas balancing (GaBi Gas 2.1)YesRuling Chamber 7BK7-24-01-008Inclusion of balancing aspects under the Gas Network Access Ordinance (GasNZV) as a result of the CJEU judgment
Determination proceedings for supplier switching (GeLi Gas 3.0)YesRuling Chamber 7BK7-24-01-009Inclusion of supplier switching aspects under the Gas Network Access Ordinance (GasNZV) as a result of the CJEU judgment
Determination proceedings for access for biogas (ZuBio)YesRuling Chamber 7BK7-24-01-010Inclusion of biogas access aspects under the Gas Network Access Ordinance (GasNZV) as a result of the CJEU judgment
Methodology determination on passing on additional costs due to renewable energyYes Ruling Chamber 8BK8-24-001-A30 August 2024
AMELIE 2021Yes Ruling Chamber 9BK9-19/607Determination of an effective inter-transmission system operator compensation mechanism within the single German market area11 September 2020
AMELIE 2026YesRuling Chamber 9BK9-24/607Determination of an effective inter-transmission system operator compensation mechanism within the single German market area
VOLKERYes Ruling Chamber 9BK9-22/606Determination on volatile costs for various aspects of natural gas transportation26 April 2024
KOMBI 2.0Yes Ruling Chamber 9BK9-23/606Determination of the costs for market-based instruments and for capacity buy-backs as volatile cost shares8 May 2024
REGENT 2026YesRuling Chamber 9BK9-23/610Determination of a reference price methodology and the other points listed in Article 26(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/460 applicable to all nationwide transmission system operators operating in the entry-exit system
MARGITYesRuling Chamber 9BK9-23/612Determination of multipliers, discounts for interruptible capacity, discounts at LNG terminals and seasonal factors28 May 2024
Beschlusskammer 9

YesRuling Chamber 9BK9-24/612Determination of multipliers, discounts for interruptible capacity, discounts at LNG terminals and seasonal factors in accordance with Article 28(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/460
BEATE 2.1YesRuling Chamber 9BK9-24/608Determination on laying down non-yearly capacity rights and setting appropriate network tariffs28 August 2024

Planned proceedings

The following is a rough list of determination proceedings scheduled for 2024/2025. The content of the determinations may be reorganised if necessary.

Framework determination for electricity transmission system operatorsDevelopment of the regulatory system for electricity transmission system operators
Framework determination on principles and special circumstances relating to gas network tariffsDetermination on formulating the general principles of setting tariffs and, if appropriate, on setting tariffs for special circumstances
Framework determination on principles and special circumstances relating to electricity network tariffsDetermination on formulating the general principles of setting tariffs and, if appropriate, on setting tariffs for special circumstances
Methodology determination for return on capitalDevelopment of the principles for determining the rates of return on capital for inclusion in the regulatory system
Further content for methodology determinationsOther aspects that could be covered in separate methodology determinations or other framework or methodology determinations include arrangements for the design of a simplified procedure, special cost categories, a capex markup and other aspects arising from current proceedings and deliberations
Determinations supplementing WANDAPossible determination of various multipliers
Avoided network tariffsDetermination on treatment of avoided network tariffs in accordance with section 18 of the Electricity Network Tariffs Ordinance (StromNEV)