Method­ol­o­gy de­ter­mi­na­tions (Lev­el 2)

The methodology determinations specify in detail:

  • the methods to be used to determine individual elements;
  • the methods to be used in future to determine efficiency scores;
  • how to decide the input parameters;
  • the principles to be used in future to determine the rate of equity return.


Details of proceedings of the Grand Ruling Chamber for Energy for methodology determinations

Please note: the links may be to pages or documents available only in German.
Determination for efficiency benchmarking – determination of the methodology for the future design of efficiency benchmarking for electricity distribution system operators and gas distribution and transmission system operators [GBK-24-02-3#5]
Determination for quality regulation – opening of proceedings for the methodology determination for quality regulation and consultation on the key elements for the methods for incentive mechanisms for quality of supply in energy supply networks [GBK-24-02-1#4]
Determination for the general sectoral productivity factor – consultation on a key elements paper and opening of proceedings for the determination of a methodology for the future design of the general sectoral productivity factor for electricity distribution system operators and gas distribution and transmission system operators [GBK-24-02-3#4]
Determination for the hydrogen core network - opening of proceedings for the determination of a ramp-up tariff for the hydrogen core network [GBK-24-02-2#4]
StromNEF and GasNEF determinations – consultation on a key elements paper and opening of two proceedings for the determination of the base levels for electricity distribution system operators and gas distribution and transmission system operators [GBK-24-02-1#3 (electricity) and GBK-24-02-2#3 (gas)]
KANU 2.0 determination - determination proceedings of the Grand Ruling Chamber for Energy for the adjustment of imputed useful lives and depreciation arrangements for natural gas pipeline infrastructure ("KANU 2.0") [Reference GBK-24-02-2#1]
