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6 June 2024Determination by the Grand Ruling Chamber for Energy on provisions for calculating the network tariffs chargeable for access to the hydrogen core network and on establishing a payback mechanism effective for a certain period (WANDA) [GBK-24-01-2#1]

The WANDA determination creates rules for regulating the network tariffs for the hydrogen core network. It establishes the basic regulatory framework for calculating the network tariffs as well as the key economic basis for investments in the core network.
7 May 2024

Opening of the proceedings on the determination of a regulatory framework and methods for incentive regulation for electricity and gas DSOs and gas TSOs (RAMEN) [GBK-24-01-3# 3].

The aim of the determination is to describe and provide reasons for the regulatory system in its essential forms. Key topics of the determination include the length of the regulatory period, the question of whether or not to have efficiency benchmarking and a productivity factor, and the description and reasoning behind the regulatory formula. This creates appropriate methods to which more details can be added.

The Grand Ruling Chamber opened the proceedings on 7 May 2024 (reference GBK-24-01-3#3).

9 April 2024

Opening of the proceedings and consultation on the determination for the financing oft he hydrogen core network („WANDA“) [GBK-24-01-2#1]

The aim is for the investments made in setting up the hydrogen core network to have been recovered through network tariffs by 2055. The WANDA determination establishes the regulatory framework for the recovery of the investments and creates rules for calculating a marketable tariff for the launch of the hydrogen network.

The Grand Ruling Chamber for Energy opened the proceedings on 9 April 2024 (reference GBK-24-01-2#1).

6 March 2024

Opening of the proceedings and consultation on the determination proceedings of the Grand Ruling Chamber for Energy for the adjustment of imputed useful lives and depreciation arrangements for natural gas pipeline infrastructure ("KANU 2.0") [GBK-24-02-2#1]

The aim of the KANU 2.0 determination proceedings is to decide on adjustments to imputed useful lives and depreciation arrangements. The adjustments are necessary because of the process of making Germany's gas supply climate-neutral.
The Grand Ruling Chamber for Energy opened the proceedings on 6 March 2024 (reference GBK-24-02-2#1).

The first step had been to publish a key elements paper (in German) for industry consultation. Comments on the paper had to be submitted until 28 March 2024. Further information along with the publication of the statement can soon be found here (in German).

Date of modification:  2024.04.17
