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15 November 2024

Sector dialogue on the methodology determination for efficiency benchmarking

The Bundesnetzagentur held an open expert dialogue on the methodology determination for efficiency benchmarking on 15 November 2024.

The agenda is available here: Agenda 15. November 2024 (pdf / 455 KB)

The dialogue was divided into two parts.

The first part focused on the current status of discussions on the future rules for efficiency benchmarking. The Bundesnetzagentur had invited suggestions from sector representatives about the future design of the system and in particular the general rules to follow on from the current rules under the Incentive Regulation Ordinance (ARegV). This part equally dealt with issues relating to electricity and gas distribution system operators participating in the standard procedure for efficiency benchmarking.

The second part served to outline the challenges for efficiency benchmarking in the gas sector for the report on the future applicability and design of efficiency benchmarking for gas distribution system operators. The aim here again is to take account of the views of sector representatives in the early stages of drawing up the report.

The dialogue provided the opportunity for a face-to-face discussion between Bundesnetzagentur representatives and selected external experts in Bonn. Other interested stakeholders and representatives of academia were able to pre-register and join the meeting online via WebEx. The chat messages from the meeting are available below.

The Bundesnetzagentur had sent the selected external experts a list of questions for the sector dialogue on 15 November 2024 (pdf / 170 KB) in advance to prepare for the event

1. About the event (Bundesnetzagetur) (pdf / 803 KB)
2. Efficiency benchmarking (Bundesnetzagentur) (pdf / 806 KB)
3. Sector contribution on the methodology determination for efficiency benchmarking (BMT) (pdf / 240 KB)
4. Further development (EVG) (pdf / 542 KB)
5. NERA/FNB Gas (pdf / 688 KB)

Answers to the Bundesnetzagentur’s list of questions for the sector dialogue on 15 November 2024 (FNB Gas) (pdf / 222 KB)

Chat messages from the WebEx meeting on efficiency benchmarking (pdf / 130 KB)

29 October 2024

Expert dialogue on incentive mechanisms for quality of supply in energy supply networks – in particular to improve energy transition competence

The Bundesnetzagentur held an open expert dialogue on the methodology determination for quality regulation on 29 October 2024.

The agenda is available here: Agenda 29 October 2024

A meeting was held for a face-to-face discussion between Bundesnetzagentur representatives and selected external experts in Bonn. Other interested stakeholders and representatives of academia were able to pre-register and join the meeting online via WebEx.

1. About the event Bundesnetzagentur (pdf / 144 KB)
2. Presentation of the Key elements paper (Sven Hilpert, Jean-Marc Behringer, Bundesnetzagentur) (pdf / 614 KB)
3. E-Bridge (Dr. Henning Schuster) (pdf / 679 KB)
4. BDEW (Gunnar Mokosch) (pdf / 726 KB)
5. ZVEI (Professor Jochen Kreusel) (pdf / 652 KB)
6. Constructor University Bremen (Professor Gert Brunekreeft) (pdf / 712 KB)
7. BNE (Arndt Börkey) (pdf / 296 KB)
8. Structuring for the open dialogue (pdf / 152 KB)

Chat message from the WebEx metting on 29 October 2024 (pdf / 559 KB)

21 October 2024

Second expert dialogue on flat-rate reimbursement of capital costs and methods for determining incoming interest rates and financing ratios

The Bundesnetzagentur held a second open expert dialogue on the methodology determination for the return on capital on 21 October 2024. The event followed on from the first expert dialogue held on 8 July 2024.

The agenda is available here: Agenda 21 October 2024 (pdf / 503 KB)

A meeting was held for a face-to-face discussion between Bundesnetzagentur representatives and selected external experts in Bonn. Other interested stakeholders and representatives of academia were able to pre-register by 17 October 2024 and join the meeting online via WebEx.

1. About the event Bundesnetzagentur (pdf / 157 KB)
2. Return on capital (Fokke Möller, Adrian Belz, Bundesnetzagentur) (pdf / 250 KB)
3. BDEW positiones (Jan Strobel, Sebastian Haubold, Jörg Sembach) (pdf / 1 MB)
4. Determination of regulated borrowing costs (Jan-Philipp Sauthoff, Vincent Weißflog, PWC) (pdf / 1 MB)
5. International lessons for the introduction of a WACC model (Lorenz Wieshammer, NERA) (pdf / 219 KB)
6. Current deliberations on determining return on capital (Rene Wiederhold, Bundesnetzagentur) (pdf / 215 KB)

Chat messages from the WebEx Meeting on 21 October 2024 (pdf / 93 KB)

8 October 2024

The Bundesnetzagentur hosted a discussion on permanently non-controllable costs under a future regulatory framework on 8 October 2024. The Bundesnetzagentur, represented by its President, Klaus Müller, and other members of the Grand Ruling Chamber for Energy, presented its current thoughts on permanently non-controllable costs under a future regulatory framework. The Bundesnetzagentur had invited representatives of trade unions and works councils of electricity and gas distribution and transmission system operators. The Bundesnetzagentur's presentation is available to download below. During the discussion, the Bundesnetzagentur made its current view clear that the present reference date rule for pension benefits could be done away with. This was not included in the original presentation but was added to the presentation available below. The arguments presented during the discussion will feed into the deliberations for the RAMEN determination.

The future system for permanently non-controllable cost shares (Stefan Albrecht) (pdf / 209 KB)

24 September 2024

Dialogue on efficiency benchmarking methodologies

The Bundesnetzagentur is holding a special dialogue on efficiency benchmarking on 24 September 2024 as part of the N.E.S.T. (Networks. Efficient. Secure. Transforming.) process:

"Efficiency benchmarking in the energy sector – Evaluation and challenges for German regulation".

The dialogue provided the opportunity for recognised scientific experts and advisors to share and discuss their experience and findings.

The event was divided into three sessions:

  • review and experiences
  • state of the art in efficiency measurement
  • improvements for prospective application.

Speakers shared their experience with Germany's system of incentive-based regulation, presented alternative benchmarking concepts and discussed specific aspects of efficiency benchmarking models.
The dialogue offered an opportunity to discuss possible ways for developing the design of efficiency benchmarking methodologies. The aim of the event was to incorporate the wide range of the most recent scientific findings into the methodology determination on efficiency benchmarking.
The dialogue was an academic event primarily for nationally and internationally recognised scientific and academic experts with practical experience, enabling a high-level specialist discussion. The event was therefore not open to the public.

In conjunction with the event, a data set was made available that enabled interested scientific experts to analyse specific aspects of the benchmarking methodologies:

The Bundesnetzagentur would like to use the experts' experience and findings for the design of the future regulatory framework. It will therefore hold an additional event to present and discuss the results of the analyses made.

1. Bundesnetzagentur agenda/opening remarks
1.1 Lessons learned (Dr Urs Trinkner)
1.2 Lessons learned (Patrick Peichert)
1.3 Past and future challenges (Dr. Stephan Vaterlaus)
2.1 Outliers and DEA (Dr. Andreas Behr)
2.2 Applicability and effectiveness ( Per J. Agrell)
2.3 Energy transition challenges (Dr. Stephan Schmitt)
3.1 Process standardization (Stephan F. Parmeter)
3.2 New development benchmarking techniques (Mark A. Andor)

10 September 2024

Webinar on Annex A to the draft KANU 2.0 determination

On Tuesday 10 September 2024 from 2pm to 4.30pm the Bundesnetzagentur held a webinar to explain how to use and complete Annex A to the draft determination on the adjustment of imputed useful lives and depreciation arrangements for natural gas pipeline infrastructure ("KANU 2.0") [GBK-24-02#1]. Participants had to pre-register for the webinar by 4 September 2024
On 17 July 2024 the Grand Ruling Chamber for Energy had published a draft determination on the adjustment of imputed useful lives and depreciation arrangements for natural gas pipeline infrastructure ("KANU 2.0") [GBK-24-02#1]. The consultation included Annex A, which operators applying the transformation element provided for in the determination need to complete to notify the Bundesnetzagentur.

As the final version of the determination was not available when the webinar was held, questions about the content of the determination were not discussed. The webinar was limited to explaining the structure of Annex A and how it should be completed. The webinar was held online via Webex.

Explanation of Annex A (Stefan Tappe) (pdf / 644 KB)

10 September 2024

Expert dialogue on the VKU's model for an OPEX markup

The VKU (Verband kommunaler Unternehmen e.V.) presented a model approach for an OPEX mark-up using the efficiency benchmarking SFA coefficient (pdf / 433 KB) to the Bundesnetzagentur on 16 July 2024. The presentation followed the open expert dialogue on 27-28 May 2024 at which the VKU stated that its deliberations were ongoing.

The Bundesnetzagentur carried out an internal assessment of the model and an in-depth expert discussion on 20 August 2024. It then held an open expert dialogue in connection with the RAMEN determination proceedings [GBK-24-01-3#3] at which all stakeholder groups were able to put forward their questions and suggestions. Participants had to pre-register by 3 September 2024.

The expert dialogue was held online via Webex on 10 September 2024 from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

1. About the event (Bundesnetzagentur) (pdf / 171 KB)
2. Slides (VKU) (pdf / 571 KB)

Chat messages from the Webex meeting on 10 September 2024 (pdf / 69 KB)

2 September 2024

Expert dialogue on the productivity factor

The Bundesnetzagentur held an open expert dialogue on the productivity factor on 2 September 2024.

The agenda is available here: Agenda 2 September 2024 (pdf / 417 KB)

A meeting was held for a face-to-face discussion between Bundesnetzagentur representatives and selected external experts in Bonn. Other interested stakeholders and representatives of academia were able to pre-register by 26 August 2024 and join the meeting online via WebEx.

1. About the event (Bundesnetzagentur) (pdf / 208 KB)
2. Presentation of the key elements on the productivity factor (Bundesnetzagentur) (pdf / 328 KB)
3. VZBV (pdf / 587 KB)
4. Netze BW presentation (pdf / 3 MB)
5. E.ON presentation (pdf / 487 KB)

Chat messages from the Webex meeting on 2 September 2024 (pdf / 75 KB)

16 July 2024Expert dialogue on the VKU's model for an OPEX markup

The VKU (Verband kommunaler Unternehmen e.V.) presented a model approach for an OPEX mark-up using the efficiency benchmarking SFA coefficient (pdf / 433 KB) (in German only) to the Bundesnetzagentur on 16 July 2024. The presentation followed the open expert dialogue on 27-28 May 2024 at which the VKU stated that its deliberations were ongoing. The Bundesnetzagentur would like to carry out an internal assessment of the model and an in-depth expert discussion on 20 August 2024 and then hold an open expert dialogue in connection with the RAMEN determination proceedings [GBK-24-01-3#3] at which all stakeholder groups will be able to put forward their questions and suggestions. Participants need to pre-register by 3 September 2024.
The expert dialogue was held online via Webex on 10 September 2024 from 9.30am to 12.30pm.
8 July 2024

Expert dialogue on the key elements paper Networks. Efficient. Secure. Transforming.

Topics: flat-rate reimbursement of capital costs and methods for determining incoming interest rates and financing ratios

On 8 July 2024 the Bundesnetzagentur held an open expert dialogue on the following topics:

  • Part 1: basic approach to flat-rate remuneration for capital costs (WACC);
  • Part 2: methods for determining incoming interest rates and financing ratios.

The agenda is available here: Agenda 8 July 2024 (pdf / 415 KB)
A Webex meeting was held for a face-to-face discussion between Bundesnetzagentur representatives and selected external experts in Bonn. Other interested stakeholders and representatives of academia were able to pre-register and join the meeting online via WebEx.

Presentations (in German only)
1. About the event (pdf / 191 KB)
2. Flat-rate determination of capital costs (René Wiederholt, Bundesnetzagentur) (pdf / 272 KB)
3. Key elements for the transition from the current system to a WACC system without structural disadvantages (Jan-Frederik Zöckler, pwc) (pdf / 1 MB)
4. Methods for determining capital costs (WACC) and discussion of the methods for determining interest rates and financing ratios (Sebastian Haubold, BDEW) (pdf / 416 KB)
5. Methodology determination on return on capital (Stefanie Meyenborg, Bundesnetzagentur) (pdf / 378 KB)

Chat messages from the Webex meeting on 8 July 2024 (pdf / 21 KB)

27- 28 May 2024

Expert dialogue on the key elements paper Networks. Efficient. Secure. Transforming.

Topics: rules to succeed the Incentive Regulation Ordinance, Electricity Network Tariffs Ordinance and Gas Network Tariffs Ordinance

On 27-28 May 2024 the Bundesnetzagentur held an open expert dialogue on the following topics:

  • OPEX adjustment,
  • capital maintenance concept,
  • trade tax and
  • current assets standardisation.

The agenda is available here: Agenda 27-28 May 2024 (pdf / 88 KB)

A meeting was held for a face-to-face discussion between Bundesnetzagentur representatives and selected external experts in Bonn. Other interested stakeholders and representatives of academia were able to pre-register and join the meeting online via WebEx.

Presentations (in German only)
About the event (pdf / 326 KB)
OPEX adjustment (Stefan Albrecht, Bundesnetzagentur) (pdf / 151 KB)
"Growth true-up" – an effective and practical instrument to take account of OPEX growth in incentive regulation for electricity distribution system operators (Dr Wolfgang Fritz, consentec) (pdf / 561 KB)
OPEX adjustment models (vku) (pdf / 293 KB)
Operational expenditure in network regulation – yardstick versus price-cap regulation (Andreas Jahn, Agora Energiewende) (pdf / 695 KB)
Capital maintenance concept (Bundesnetzagentur) (pdf / 97 KB)
Capital maintenance concept, trade tax, current assets (BDEW) (pdf / 206 KB)
Trade tax (and corporation tax) according to the CJEU (Alexander Lüdtke-Handjery, Bundesnetzagentur) (pdf / 490 KB)
Imputed corporate income tax (vku) (pdf / 347 KB)
Current assets standardisation (Bundesnetzagentur) (pdf / 93 KB)

Chat messages from the Webex meeting on 27 and 28 May 2024 (pdf / 62 KB)
