In­cre­men­tal capacity pro­cess pur­suant to Ar­ti­cle 28 CAM NC

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Articles 22 to 31 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems (CAM NC) provide for a process for the market-based determination of demand for additional capacity at cross-border and market area interconnection points and, where necessary, the creation of such capacity. The incremental capacity process, as it is known, takes place at least every two years, starting in the odd-numbered year after the conclusion of marketing of yearly capacity (in July). Article 26 CAM NC requires the transmission system operators (TSOs) to produce and publish market demand assessment reports at the start of the process. Before the reports are produced, network users have to be given the opportunity to submit to the TSOs non-binding indications of demand for additional gas transport capacity at market area borders.

Approval to charge a fee for the submission of non-binding market demand indications

Article 26(11) CAM NC allows TSOs to charge network users fees for activities resulting from the submission of non-binding demand indications. These fees reflect the administrative costs of submitting and processing the demand indications. They also have to be approved by the relevant national regulatory authority.

BK9-22/042: Approval procedure on the application of the transmission system operators to charge a fee for the submission of non-binding demand indications

Approval of project proposals for incremental capacity

If the market demand assessment report establishes that there is demand for incremental gas transport capacity and this demand cannot be met by the existing gas transport capacity, the TSOs draw up project proposals for incremental capacity in line with Article 27 CAM NC. The project proposals include technical studies to analyse the additional network infrastructure needed, timelines for implementation, offer levels for incremental capacity and the parameters set out in Article 22 CAM NC for the economic test of the project proposal.

The Bundesnetzagentur has developed a methodology together with the TSOs to calculate the economic test and used it to make a calculation tool.

Pursuant to Article 28 CAM NC, the project proposals drawn up and consulted on by the TSOs are subject to approval by the relevant national regulatory authority. The ruling chamber received the following applications for approval of project proposals:

Completed procedures may be found in the Decisions database.
