Net­work trans­fers un­der section 26(2) to (5) ARegV

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In accordance with section 32(1) para 1 of the Incentive Regulation Ordinance (ARegV), the regulatory authorities set revenue caps for all network operators for each calendar year of the whole regulatory period. Changes may occur to the network structure of the energy supply network operators in the course of the regulatory period. The legislature has made arrangements in section 26 ARegV to take adequate account of the economic consequences of network transfers and splits in the revenue caps for each calendar year.

In accordance with section 26(2) to (5) ARegV, when an energy supply network is partly transferred to a different network operator or when networks are split (both situations are known as network transfers), the share of the revenue caps for the part of the network being transferred must be determined. Applications for this must state, giving reasons, which part of the cap is to be allocated to the part of the network being transferred.

If the new network operator does not submit a consistent application for the division of the revenue caps within six months of the start of network operations, the regulatory authority will determine the share of the revenue cap for the part of the network being transferred according to a predefined standard.

Applications for determination of the share of the revenue cap for the part of the network being transferred pursuant to section 26(2) to (5) ARegV must be submitted electronically and in writing to the relevant regulatory authority, bearing in mind the current rules on the transfer of data.

The ruling chamber has received applications for the following procedures:

Completed procedures may be found in the Decisions database.
