Ap­proval of the in­cen­tive reg­u­la­tion ac­count bal­ance and ad­just­ment of the rev­enue cap un­der section 5 ARegV

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Each year, the network operators calculate the differences described in section 5(1) and (1a) of the Incentive Regulation Ordinance (ARegV), which incur interest pursuant to section 5(2) ARegV and form the incentive regulation account balance as at 31 December of each year. This balance is spread over the three calendar years following the year of calculation using mark-ups/discounts. These mark-ups or discounts result in the adjustment amounts pursuant to section 4(4) para 1a in conjunction with section 5(3) ARegV. The network operators have to apply for approval from the regulatory authority for their incentive regulation account balance and the related adjustment amounts. They have to submit applications for this purpose in accordance with section 4(4) sentence 1 para 1a and section 4(4) sentence 3 in conjunction with section 5(3) ARegV by 31 December each year.

Applications for approval of the incentive regulation account must be submitted electronically using the Bundesnetzagentur's energy data portal.

The ruling chamber has received applications for the following procedures:

Completed procedures may be found in the Decisions database.
