TSO spe­cif­ic fea­tures

Efficiency scores must also be determined for setting the transmission system operators' revenue caps. In contrast to the procedure used with the electricity distribution network operators, the efficiency scores of the TSOs should, if possible, be determined by means of international efficiency benchmarking or, if that is not verifiable, then by means of a relative generic network analysis.

Like the electricity distribution network operators, TSOs can also adjust their revenue caps within a regulatory period if, for example, there is a change in one of the permanently non-controllable cost items (section 4 ARegV). This is initially done by the TSOs themselves as part of their pricing for the next calendar year. Compared to electricity distribution network operators, however, a significantly higher portion (around two thirds) of the total costs are considered permanently non-controllable for the TSOs. The higher proportion of permanently non-controllable costs results from the TSOs' non-transmission service expenses, in particular for redispatching measures, balancing energy and loss energy. The ruling chamber has made separate determinations for non-transmission service expenses, on the basis of which the costs are classed as permanently non-controllable.

The TSOs' revenue caps can also be adjusted on the basis of approved investment measures (section 23a ARegV).

Date of modification:  2021.08.31
