Re­search and de­vel­op­ment

According to section 25a ARegV the regulatory authority must, upon the network operator's request, include an allowance for research and development costs (R&D) to be added to the revenue cap for the respective calendar year. R&D costs eligible for the allowance must stem from an R&D project within the framework of state subsidisation of energy that has been approved by a competent state or federal authority and is overseen by experts. Proof of the relevant costs and the allocation notices for the publicly funded portion of the total costs are to be submitted along with the request.

For the R&D costs to be recognised, section 25a ARegV requires that the costs claimed are incurred by the network operator itself and that the network operator directly receives funding from the state energy subsidy. Furthermore, R&D costs that were already taken into account when determining the base level of the revenue caps under section 6 ARegV or as part of an investment measure according to section 23 ARegV are not eligible for the allowance.

The allowance under section 25a ARegV is 50% of the eligible costs under section 25a(1) ARegV.

The list of proceedings for research and development can be found here:

Date of modification:  2021.08.31
