BK7-19-108 Ruling Chamber 7 proceedings

Derogation from regulation in accordance with section 28b EnWG

On 20 May 2020, Ruling Chamber 7 granted the derogation from regulation applied for with respect to the section of the Nord Stream pipeline located in German territory for the period of 20 years, starting from 12 December 2019.

The decision is published in a non-confidential version. An English translation is also available.

Decision on the application for derogation from regulation in accordance with section 28b EnWG
BK7-19-108_Beschluss (PDF / 94 MB)
BK7-19-108_Beschluss_english version (pdf / 355 KB)

All Member States had the opportunity to examine Nord Stream AG's application, with its annexes, and to submit a response. Responses were received from 6 Member States. Their contributions to the consultation are published in a non-confidential version.

Consultation responses from Member States
BK7-19-108_Stellungnahme Dänemark (deutsch) (pdf / 161 KB)
BK7-19-108_Stellungnahme Dänemark (englisch) (pdf / 172 KB)
BK7-19-108_Stellungnahme Estland (pdf / 98 KB)
BK7-19-108_Stellungnahme Lettland (deutsch) (pdf / 328 KB)
BK7-19-108_Stellungnahme Lettland (lettisch) (pdf / 440 KB))
BK7-19-108_Stellungnahme Litauen (deutsch) (pdf / 2 MB)
BK7-19-108_Stellungnahme Niederlande (deutsch) (pdf / 203 KB)
BK7-19-108_Stellungnahme Polen (deutsch) (pdf / 684 KB)
BK7-19-108_Stellungnahme Schweden (deutsch) (pdf / 13 KB)
BK7-19-108_Stellungnahme Schweden (englisch) (pdf / 526 KB)


Date of modification: 2020.07.13
