Re­con­fig­urable ra­dio sys­tems

Reconfigurable radio systems (RRS) enable optimum spectrum utilisation by means of dynamic frequency allocation in a network architecture with the highest possible degree of flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Such systems are therefore expected to become important drivers for the evolution of wireless communications. RRS includes technologies such as software defined radio (SDR) and cognitive radio (CR). The key aspects of these technologies are reliably sensing locally free spectrum, using geo-location databases (GLDB) to identify white spaces, analysing interference and interaction between different technologies and networks, and optimising the efficient aggregation of radio resources. The standardisation of RRS and the corresponding technologies can therefore provide a major contribution towards mitigating the "spectrum scarcity" problem. The Bundesnetzagentur actively supports the activities in response to the European Commission's new standardisation mandate for RSS (M/512), with due regard to the existing regulatory aims (eg compliance with the provisions concerning the placing on the market of radio equipment, R&TTE Directive, global standards).

Date of modification:  2005.09.06
