Broad­cast trans­mit­ters

Broadcast transmitters are used for the broadcast and distribution of terrestrial analogue and digital television and radio programmes. The transmitters are essentially used for FM and AM (analogue) and DAB+ and DRM (digital) sound broadcasting and for DVB-T (digital television).

They sometimes operate with very high output powers (several kW) to cover as large an area as possible. This means that the requirements in respect of the unwanted emissions (spurious emissions, out-of-band emissions, cabinet radiation) and the electromagnetic compatibility of the transmitters need to be high to guarantee protection for adjacent radiocommunication services.

ETSI's dedicated committee TC ERM TG17 has defined such limits in harmonised standards for the various broadcast transmitters, with the active participation of the Bundesnetzagentur.
The standards comprise the essential requirements referred to in Article 3(1)(b) and (2) of the R&TTE Directive for placing the transmitters on the market, and provide manufacturers with a sound basis for the conformity assessment of their products.

The standards developed by ETSI are:

  • EN 302 017-2 AM
  • EN 302 018-2 FM
  • EN 302 077-2 DAB+
  • EN 302 245-2 DRM
  • EN 302 296-2 DVB-T
  • EN 301 489-11 Electromagnetic compatibility of sound broadcasting service transmitters
  • EN 301 489-14 Electromagnetic compatibility of TV broadcasting service transmitters

Date of modification:  2014.01.21
