Ra­dio equip­ment and telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions terminal equip­ment

Directive 1999/5/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity sets the regulatory framework for placing on the market radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment. Equipment may only be placed on the market and/or put into service if it complies with the essential requirements of this Directive, commonly referred to as the R&TTE Directive.

In cooperation with the Member States the Commission has developed and published a Guide on the application and interpretation of the R&TTE Directive. It helps to correctly interpret the Directive, but does not replace it, providing detailed information on some of the most important aspects of its application.

The European market surveillance authorities group (ADCO R&TTE) has put together an information sheet for manufacturers and importers of R&TTE products with a brief summary of the essential requirements and approved it with the Commission during a TCAM Meeting. This so-called Quick Guide has been translated into many European languages.

The R&TTE Directive has been transposed in Germany by the Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Act (FTEG). The responsibility for implementing this Act has been assigned to the Bundesnetzagentur. Within its responsibilities the Bundesnetzagentur is authorised to check equipment placed or soon to be placed on the market for compliance with the (essential) requirements, and to initiate (appropriate) measures to remedy shortcomings in the case of non-compliance.

Under section 16(1) of the FTEG, the Bundesnetzagentur charges fees and expenses for official acts in the field of market surveillance if there is an infringement of the essential requirements. In this context the Ordinance on the costs of official acts under the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Equipment Act and the Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Act (EMVFTEKostV) has been enacted.

Titles and version numbers of European harmonised standards listed under the R&TTE Directive can be found here.

If the manufacturer has not used a harmonised standard or if such standards do not exist, the technical documentation must be presented to a notified body for verification.

The Commission has adopted a Decision on establishing equipment classes (2000/299/EC).

This Decision identifies two classes:

  • Under Article 1(1) of the Decision, Class 1 comprises equipment which can be placed on the market and be put into service without restrictions. The Commission, in consultation with the Member States, publishes a non-exhaustive list of equipment classified as Class 1.
  • Under Article 1(2) of the Decision, Class 2 comprises equipment with frequency usages not harmonised throughout the Community. This equipment is marked with a 'warning identifier' and must be notified four weeks prior to being placed on the market for the first time, in accordance with the R&TTE Directive (see Notification of radio equipment below).

Notification under Article 6(4) of the R&TTE Directive is not required for Class 2 radio equipment using harmonised frequency bands only.

As the competent authority for the FTEG, the Bundesnetzagentur deals with queries about interpretation of the Act.

Notification of radio equipment

Under section 10(4) of the FTEG manufacturers or marketers of radio equipment operating on frequencies not harmonised throughout the Community have to notify the Bundesnetzagentur of their intention to place the equipment on the German market at least four weeks in advance. The Bundesnetzagentur provides the persons responsible with information on the type of frequency assignment and any restrictions on frequency usage in Germany together with its confirmation of receipt of the notification.

Such notifications aim to guarantee efficient use of the radio spectrum, with interference kept at a minimum. Notifications may be sent electronically via OSN (One Stop Notification) or to the address below.

Fachreferat 411
Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas,
Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen
Referat 411 / Notifizierungsstelle
Postfach 10 04 43
66004 Saarbrücken
Tel: +49 681 9330-0 (contact person: Mr Dietmar Ost)
Fax: +49 681 9330-737
Email: Contact

Date of modification:  2014.01.20
