Ra­dio in­ter­face spec­i­fi­ca­tions


Interface specifications for radio equipment comprise normative and informative content overview of parameters to help manufacturers carry out the procedures of their choice with regard to the compliance of their radio equipment with the relevant essential requirements set out in Directive 2014/53/EU. The specifications are therefore of key importance for radio equipment and play a large role in, for instance, the

  • making available on the single European market,
  • putting into service and use, and
  • assessment of conformity.

There are two types of radio interface specification in parallel with the two classes of radio equipment defined in the Commission Decision of 6 April 2000 establishing the initial classification of radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and associated identifiers (2000/299/EC):

Class 1:
Radio equipment which can be placed on the market in the whole of the Community and put into service without restriction constitutes one class. This class is referred to as "Class 1". An equipment class identifier is not assigned for this class of equipment.

Class 2:
Radio equipment for which Member States apply restrictions on the putting into service as provided for by Article 7 of Directive 2014/53/EU or restrictions on the placing on the market as provided for by Article 40(4) of Directive 2014/53/EU constitutes one class.

Equipment classified as class 2 has to be marked by the appropriate classification sign.

Geräteklassen-Kennung 2

European radio interface specifications

The current European radio interface specifications for Class 1 equipment are available for download here.
National specifications are not required for radio equipment which is covered by Class 1 European specifications with EU-wide harmonised radio interface parameters.

National radio interface specifications

National specifications are required only for radio equipment using non EU-wide harmonised frequency bands (Class 2 equipment).

The national specifications from all the Member States provide the basis for the European Commission to establish the equivalence between specifications in accordance with Article 8(2) of Directive 2014/53/EU and consequently develop a single EU-wide binding Class 1 specification defining harmonised radio interface parameters.

In special cases, national specifications may be required even when Class 1 specifications exist if national regulations are planned which deviate from the EU-wide harmonised normative parameters and which, however, aim solely to facilitate procedures. No other national deviations from Class 1 radio interface parameters are allowed.

In Germany section 33(1) of the Act on making Radio Equipment available on the Market (Radio Equipment Act - FuAG) serves as the basis for the publication of national interface specifications. The Radio Equipment Act is part of the Act revising the Rules on Radio Equipment, amending the Telecommunications Act and rescinding the Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Act of 27 June 2017 (Federal Law Gazette Part I No. 42, p. 1947).

All interface specifications draw specific attention to the fact that in particular the provisions of the German Telecommunications Act (TKG) relating to frequency management remain unaffected with regard to the putting into service and operation of radio equipment.

Requirements for radio equipment (and for putting into service and operating equipment) laid down in other binding statutory provisions (eg for equipment used in the aeronautical and maritime radio services and the inland waterways service) also remain unaffected.

Present applicable interface specifications

Fixed services (FE)

Point-to-multipoint digital radio relay equipment in the fixed radio service in the 28 GHz band

Official Gazette Order: 52/2007
Order no: 406 421 017-1
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 018
Status: 07/07
Price: 12,00 €
SSB FE-OE 018 (pdf / 67 KB)

Point-to-point radio relay equipment in the fixed radio service in the 400 MHz range

Official Gazette Order: 35/2009
Order no: 409 421 020-1
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 024
Status: 10/08
Price: 8,00 €

SSB FE-OE 024 (pdf / 39 KB)

Point-to-point digital radio relay equipment in the fixed radio service in the frequency band 38 GHz

Official Gazette Order: 01/2011
Order no: 409 421 025-1
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 029
Status: 08/2010
Price: 8,00 €

Point-to-point radio relay equipment in the 15 GHz band

Official Gazette Order: 53/2023
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 063
Status: 09/2022

SSB FE-OE 063 (pdf / 314 KB)

Point-to-point digital radio relay equipment in the fixed radio service in the 18 GHz range

Official Gazette Order: 8/2018
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 041
Status: 07/2017

SSB FE-OE 041 (pdf / 221 KB)

Point-to-point radio relay equipment in the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz ranges

Official Gazette Order: 70/2014
Order no: 409 421 037-1
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 042
Status: 05/2014
Price: 10,00 €

SSB FE-OE 042 (pdf, 222 KB)

Radio relay equipment in the 31 GHz range (point-to-point and point-to-multipoint)

Official Gazette Order: 70/2014
Order no: 409 421 038-1
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 043
Status: 08/2014
Price: 10,00 €

SSB FE-OE 043 (pdf, 265 KB)

Radio relay equipment in the 26 GHz band (point-to-point)

Official Gazette Order: 60/2022
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 044
Status: 12/2021

SSB FE-OE 044 (pdf / 1 MB)

Radio relay equipment in the 32 GHz band (point-to-point)

Official Gazette Order: 155/2018
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 045
Status: 12/2018

SSB FE-OE 045 (pdf / 229 KB)

Radio relay equipment in the frequency band 57 - 64 GHz (point-to-point)

Official Gazette Order: 61/2022
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 046
Status: 12/2021

SSB FE-OE 046 (pdf / 1 MB)

Radio relay equipment in the 42 GHz band (point-to-point)

Official Gazette Order: 74/2020
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 048
Status: 12/2019

SSB FE-OE 048 (pdf / 239 KB)

Radio relay equipment in the 23 GHz band (point-to-point)

Official Gazette Order: 65/2020
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 049
Status: 12/2019

SSB FE-OE 049 (pdf / 226 KB)

Radio relay equipment in the 28 GHz band (point-to-point)

Official Gazette Order: 162/2022
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 050
Status: 12/2021

SSB FE-OE 050 (pdf / 1 MB)

Radio relay equipment in the 55 GHz band (point-to-point)

Official Gazette Order: 131/2020
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 051
Status: 05/2020

SSB FE-OE 051 (pdf / 277 KB)

Radio relay equipment in the 4 GHz band (point-to-point)

Official Gazette Order: 66/2020
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 052
Status: 12/2019

SSB FE-OE 052 (pdf / 234 KB)

Radio relay equipment in the 6.2 GHz (L6) band (point-to-point)

Official Gazette Order: 96/2022
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 058
Status: 02/2022

SSB FE-OE 058 (pdf / 1 MB)

Radio relay equipment in the 6.8 GHz (U6) band (point-to-point)

Official Gazette Order: 97/2022
Short designation: SSB FE-OE 059
Status: 03/2022

SSB FE-OE 059 (pdf / 1 MB)

Fixed satellite services (FES)

Interface specification for transmission-enabled fixed satellite-earth stations operating in the 5.7 GHz to 30.0 GHz frequency band and not required to be assigned to VSAT or SNG

Official Gazette Order: 49/2006
Order no: 405 423 001-1
Short designation: SSB FES 001
Status: 09/06
Price: 12,00 €

SSB FES 001 (pdf / 40 KB)

Interface specification for mobile Earth stations (MESs) in the 14.00 - 14.25 GHz frequency band

Official Gazette Order: 14/2007
Order no: 405 421 008-1
Short designation: SSB FES 008
Status: 10/06
Price: 12,00 €

SSB FES 008 (pdf / 41 KB)

Aeronautical service (FL)

Interface specification for ground-based terminal equipment of the VHF digital link service mode 2 (VDL M2)

Official Gazette Order: 20/2015
Order no: 404 421 016-1
Short designation: SSB FL 015
Status: 11/2014
Price: 8,00 €

SSB FL 015 (pdf / 62 KB)

Interface specification for ground-based primary surveillance radar for flight navigation radio

Official Gazette Order: 7/2014
Order no: 404 421 013-1
Short designation: SSB FL 016
Status: 07/2013
Price: 10,00 €

SSB FL 016 (pdf / 192 KB)

Interface specification for secondary surveillance radar

Official Gazette Order: 31/2024
Short designation: SSB FL 028
Status: 03/2023

SSB FL 028 (pdf / 254 KB)

Interface specification for distance measurement equipment (DME)

Official Gazette Order: 54/2023
Short designation: SSB FL 026
Status: 10/2022

SSB FL 026 (pdf / 251 KB)

Interface specification for aeronautical stations of the aeronautical mobile service (AM radio telephone installations) operating in the frequency band 117,975-137 MHz

Official Gazette Order: 75/2017
Order no: 404 421 019-1
Short designation: SSB FL 021
Status: 02/2017
Preis: 8,00 €

SSB FL 021 (pdf / 228 KB)

Interface specification for glide path transmitter systems

Official Gazette Order: 137/2017
Order no: 404 421 021-1
Short designation: SSB FL 023
Status: 06/2017
Price: 8,00 €

SSB FL 023 (pdf / 219 KB)

Interface specification for VHF omnidirectional radio range (VOR, D-VOR)

Official Gazette Order: 50/2017
Order no: 404 421 017-1
Short designation: SSB FL 019
Status: 01/2017
Price: 8,00 €

SSB FL 019 (pdf / 229 KB)

Interface specification for VHF marker beacons

Official Gazette Order: 138/2017
Order no: 404 421 022-1
Short designation: SSB FL 024
Status:: 06/2017
Price: 8,00 €

SSB FL 024 (pdf / 216 KB)

Interface specification for Ground-based terminal equipment of the VHF digital link service mode 4 (VDL M4)

Official Gazette Order: 113/2018
Short designation: SSB FL 025
Status:: 01/2018

SSB FL 025 (pdf / 237 KB)

Interface specification for radio equipment for the Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) used with global navigation satellite systems

Official Gazette Order: 136/2017
Order no: 404 421 020-1
Short designation: SSB FL 022
Status:: 07/2017
Price: 8,00 €

SSB FL 022 (pdf / 220 KB)

Interface specification for localiser radio equipment

Official Gazette Order: 74/2017
Order no: 404 421 018-1
Short designation: SSB FL 020
Status: 02/2017
Price: 8,00 €

SSB FL 020 (pdf / 225 KB)

Interface specification for non-directional beacons (NDB)

Official Gazette Order: 55/2023
Short designation: SSB FL 027
Status: 08/2022

SSB FL 027 (pdf / 249 KB)

Interface specification for ground-based broadcasting facilities for flight navigation and locating radio at 1030 and 1090 MHz

Official Gazette Order: 65/2012
Order no: 404 421 012-1
Short designation: SSB FL 014
Status: 06/2012
Price: 12,00 €

SSB FL 014 (pdf / 196 KB)

Radio determination service (OR)

Interface specification for search and rescue transponders in sea rescue operations - SART - (not AIS SART)

Official Gazette Order: 18/2014
Order no: 406 421 016-1
Short designation: SSB OR 015
Status: 09/2013
Price: 8,00 €

SSB OR 015 (pdf / 178 KB)

Interface specification for adio equipment used in surveying

Official Gazette Order: 19/2014
Order no: 406 424 017-1
Short designation: SSB OR-NN 016
Status: 09/2013
Price: 8,00 €

SSB OR-NN 016 (pdf / 177 KB)

Interface specification for radar equipment for monitoring shipping traffic

Official Gazette Order: 3/2014
Order no: 406 421 014-1
Short designation: SSB OR 012
Status: 06/2013
Price: 8,00 €

SSB OR 012 (pdf / 173 KB)

Interface description for radar equipment for weather observation

Official Gazette Order: 39/2024
Short designation: SSB OR 024
Status: 09/2023

SSB OR 024 (pdf / 491 KB)

Interface specification for radar systems on vessels without an equipment obligation (non-SOLAS)

Official Gazette Order: 139/2017
Order no: 406 421 019-1
Short designation: SSB OR-N 018
Status: 06/2017
Price: 10,00 €

SSB OR 018 (pdf / 231 KB)

Interface specification for radar beacons (RACONs)

Official Gazette Order: 140/2017
Order no: 406 421 020-1
Short designation: SSB OR-N 019
Status: 06/2017
Price: 8,00 €

SSB OR-N 019 (pdf / 218 KB)

Interface specification for radar systems on vessels for navigation on inland waterway

Official Gazette Order: 9/2019
Short designation: SSB OR-N 020
Status: 07/2018

SSB OR-N 020 (pdf / 244 KB)

Interface specification for active radar reflectors (Radar Target Enhancers) '

Official Gazette Order: 03/2011
Order no: 406 421 011-1
Short designation: SSB OR-N 009
Status: 04/2010
Price: 8,00 €

SSB OR-N 009 (pdf / 183 KB)

Interface specification for low power radio motion detectors

Official Gazette Order: 39/2004
Order no: 406 421 002-1
Short designation: Reg TP SSB OR-NN 002
Status: 03/04
Price: 14,00 €

Reg TP SSB OR-NN 002 (pdf / 34 KB)

Interface specification for radiolocation

Official Gazette Order: 6/2017
Order no: 406 421 028-1
Short designation: SSB OR 017
Status: 07/2016
Price: 16,00 €

SSB OR 017 (pdf / 353 KB)

Interface specification for Wind profiler radars

Official Gazette Order: 141/2017
Order no: 406 421 021-1
Short designation: SSB OR-NN 021
Status: 06/2017
Price: 8,00 €

SSB OR-NN 021 (pdf / 218 KB)

Interface specification for Radio determination service

Official Gazette Order: 82/2019
Short designation: SSB OR-NN 022
Status: 01/2019

SSB OR-NN 022 (pdf / 312 KB)

Ultra-wideband devices (UWB) with LDC interference reduction technology in the frequency range of 3.1-3.4 GHz

Official Gazette Order: 56/2023
Short designation: SSB OR-NN 023
Status: 10/2022

SSB OR-NN 023 (pdf / 297 KB)

Land radio service (LA)

Interface specification for DECT radio equipment for professional uses

Official Gazette Order: 12/2016
Order no: 401 424 024-1
Short designation: SSB LA 031
Status: 09/2015
Price: 8,00 €

SSB LA 031 (pdf / 220 KB)

Interface specification for telecommand radio equipment to trigger dialling procedures

Official Gazette Order: 13/2016
Order no: 401 424 026-1
Short designation: SSB LA 032
Status: 09/2015
Price: 8,00 €

SSB LA 032 (pdf / 207 KB)

Interface specification for Telecontrol radio equipment for commercial and industrial uses

Official Gazette Order: 41/2016
Order no: 401 424 027-1
Short designation: SSB LA 033
Status: 08/2016
Price: 48,00 €

SSB LA 033 (pdf / 963 KB)

Interface specification for radio model control equipment

Official Gazette Order: 47/2024
Short designation: SSB LA-NOE 042
Status: 09/2023

SSB LA-NOE 042 (pdf / 297 KB)

Interfaces for radio frequency identification (RFID) systems

Official Gazette Order: 38/2013
Order no: 401 424 013-1
Short designation: SSB LA-NOE 018
Status: 07/2013
Price: 14,00 €

SSB LA-NOE 018 (pdf / 198 KB)

Wideband Data Transmission Systems in the frequency band 2400 - 2483,5 MHz

Official Gazette Order: 62/2012

Radio Interface Specification (pdf / 92 KB)

Interface specification for voice messaging radio equipment

Official Gazette Order: 29/2019
Short designation: SSB LA-NOE 038
Status: 08/2018

SSB LA-NOE 038 (pdf / 1 MB)

Interface specification for Trunked Radio equipment in the frequency ranges 410 – 430 MHz and 440 – 450 MHz

Official Gazette Order: 15/2017
Order no: 401 424 028-1
Short designation: SSB LA 35
Status: 07/16
Price: 18,00 €

SSB LA 035 (pdf / 375 KB)

Interface specification for Radio paging equipment

Official Gazette Order: 61/2019
Short designation: SSB LA-NOE 040
Status: 10/2018

SSB LA-NOE 040 (pdf / 437 KB)

Interface specification for CB radio equipment in the 26 560 – 27 410 kHz frequency band

Official Gazette Order: 8/2019
Short designation: SSB LA 41
Status: 06/2018

SSB LA 041 (pdf / 306 KB)

Interface specification for low-power radio equipment for inductive application

Official Gazette Order: 32/2006
Order no: 401 424 008-1
Short designation: SSB LA-NOE 122
Status: 01/06
Price: 16,00 €

SSB LA-NOE 122 (pdf / 98 KB)

Land mobile service radio equipment used for private mobile radio applications operating in the 146.00–172.15 MHz frequency band

Official Gazette Order: 148/2017
Order no: 401 424 030-1
Short designation: SSB LA-NOE 037
Status: 06/2017
Price: 92,00 €

SSB LA-NOE 22 (pdf / 2 MB)

Interface specification for the radio interface of phase 2 and 2+ base stations in GSM 900 and GSM 1800 mobile radio networks

Official Gazette Order: 24/2005
Order no: 401 424 001-1
Short designation: Reg TP SSB LA-OE 017
Status: 12/04
Price: 14,00 €

Reg TP SSB LA-OE 017 (pdf / 40 KB)

Radio equipment for wireless network access to the supply of telecommunications services

Official Gazette Order: 12/2021
Short designation: SSB LA 039
Status: 07/2020

SSB LA 039 (pdf / 861 KB)

Radio equipment for radiodetermination applications

Official Gazette Order: 48/2024
Short designation: SSB LA-NOE 045
Status: 09/2023

SSB LA-NOE 045 (pdf / 279 KB)

Satellite service (FS)

Fixed earth stations for access to non-geostationary satellites in the 14.0 to 14.5 GHz frequency band

Official Gazette Order: 61/2021
Short designation: SSB FS 018
Status: 02/2021

SSB FS 018 (pdf / 1 MB)

GNSS repeaters

Official Gazette Order: 49/2015
Order no: 403 421 001-1
Short designation: SSB FS 010
Status: 03/2015
Price: 8,00 €

SSB FS 010 (pdf / 206 KB)

Fixed satellite earth stations operating in the 5 850 – 7 075 MHz frequency band

Official Gazette Order: 114/2018
Short designation: SSB FS 012
Status: 01/2018

SSB FS 012 (pdf / 220 KB)

Fixed Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs) operating in the 14.0-14.25 GHz frequency band

Official Gazette Order: 115/2018
Short designation: SSB FS 013
Status: 01/2018

SSB FS 013 (pdf / 221 KB)

Satellite interactive terminals (SIT) and satellite user terminals (SUT) in the 29.5 - 30.0 GHz frequency band

Official Gazette Order: 107/2019
Short designation: SSB FS 014
Status: 02/2019

SSB FS 014 (pdf / 216 KB)

Transportable satellite earth stations (SNG TES) operating in the 14.0 - 14.5 GHz frequency band

Official Gazette Order: 28/2019
Short designation: SSB FS 015
Status: 07/2018

SSB FS 015 (pdf / 221 KB)

Mobile satellite earth stations in frequency bands below 1 GHz with a low data transmission rate

Official Gazette Order: 55/2019
Short designation: SSB FS 017
Status: 10/2018

SSB FS 017 (pdf / 261 KB)

land-based mobile earth radio stations (MES) in the frequency range of 14.00-14.25 GHz

Official Gazette Order: 92/2021
Short designation: SSB FS 016
Status: 03/2021

SSB FS 016 (pdf / 1 MB)

Stationary earth stations for geostationary satellite uplinks in the frequency range 5.7 - 30.0 GHz

Official Gazette Order: 14/2022
Short designation: SSB FS 020
Status: 06/2021

SSB FS 020 (pdf / 1 MB)

Radio relay equipment in the 26 GHz band (point-to-point)

Official Gazette Order: 60/2022
Short designation: SSB FS 021
Status: 12/2021

SSB FS 021 (pdf / 1 MB)

Mobile, transmission-enabled satellite Earth Stations (MESs) operating in the 1610 - 1660.5 MHz and 1670 - 1675 MHz frequency ranges

Official Gazette Order: 37/2023
Short designation: SSB FS 022
Status: 10/2022

SSB FS 022 (pdf / 498 KB)

Maritime mobile service (SE)

Interface specification for permanently installed VHF radio systems in stationary maritime and inland navigation radio systems

Official Gazette Order: 40/2016
Order no: 402 421 022-1
Short designation: SSB SE 022
Status: 07/2016
Price: 22,00 €

SSB SE 022 (pdf / 635 KB)

Interface specification for VHF radio equipment used in inland waterways (without AIS)

Official Gazette Order: 16/2014
Order no: 402 421 018-1
Short designation: SSB SE 017
Status: 09/2013
Price: 6,00 €

SSB SE 017 (pdf / 193 KB)

Interface specification for VHF radio equipment used at sea (without AIS)

Official Gazette Order: 17/2014
Order no: 402 421 019-1
Short designation: SSB SE 018
Status: 09/2013
Price: 12,00 €

SSB SE 018 (pdf / 196 KB)

Interface specification for Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) on-board vessels communications systems and equipment (in the maritime mobile service only)

Official Gazette Order: 10/2019
Short designation: SSB SE 027
Status: 06/2018

SSB SE 027 (pdf / 270 KB)

Interface specification for radio equipment of the Automatic Ship Identification System (AIS)

Official Gazette Order: 61/2013
Order no: 402 421 015-1
Short designation: SSB SE 014
Status: 06/2013
Price: 12,00 €

SSB SE 014 (pdf / 189 KB)

Interface specification for emergency communication radio equipment for coordinating search and rescue services

Official Gazette Order: 62/2013
Order no: 402 421 016-1
Short designation: SSB SE 015
Status: 07/2013
Price: 10,00 €

SSB SE 019 (pdf / 389 KB)

Interface specification for fixed transmitting and receiving equipment on ships

Official Gazette Order: 63/2013
Order no: 402 421 017-1
Short designation: SSB SE 016
Status: 07/2013
Price: 16,00 €

SSB SE 016 (pdf / 227 KB)

Interface specification for VHF radio telephone installations of the maritime mobile service for "general communication" with auxiliary devices for digital selective calling (DSC) Class D

Official Gazette Order: 02/2011
Order no: 402 421 012-1
Short designation: SSB SE 011
Status: 04/2010
Price: 10,00 €
SSB SE 011 (pdf / 49 KB)

Interface specification for radio equipment operating in the UHF band (on-board vessel communications)

Official Gazette Order: 30/2005
Order no: 402 421 003-1
Short designation: Reg TP SSB SE-NOE 003
Status: 08/04
Price: 14,00 €
Download (pdf / 35 KB)

Interface specification for portable VHF radio telephone installations in the maritime radio service for use in survival crafts

Official Gazette Order: 51/2007
Order no: 402 421 010-1
Short designation: SSB SE-NOE 007
Status: 07/07
Price: 12,00 €
SSB SE-NOE 007 (pdf / 44 KB)

Interface specification for Emergency radio communication equipment for coordination and homing purposes on the part of search and rescue services (121.5 MHz and 123.1 MHz) and Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (406 MHz, EPIRBs)

Official Gazette Order: 38/2016
Order no: 402 421 021-1
Short designation: SSB SE 019
Status: 07/2016
Price: 14,00 €
SSB SE 019 (pdf / 389 KB)

Interface specification for fixed onshore intermediate/short wave transmission and reception radio systems (coastal radio stations)

Official Gazette Order: 39/2016
Order no: 402 421 023-1
Short designation: SSB SE 021
Status: 07/2016
Price: 22,00 €
SSB SE 021 (pdf / 516 KB)

Broadcasting service (RU)

Interface specification for frequency modulated UHF sound broadcasting transmitters

Official Gazette Order: 41/2005
Order no: 408 423 001-1 
Short designation: Reg TP SSB RU 002
Status: 06/05
Price: 10,00 €

Reg TP SSB RU 002 (pdf / 33 KB)

Interface specification for DVB-T/DVB-T2 transmitters

Official Gazette Order: 149/2017
Order no: 408 423 008-1
Short designation: SSB RU 011
Status: 06/2017
Price: 8,00 €

SSB RU 011 (pdf / 218 KB)

Interface specification for Audio broadcasting transmitters in the long-, medium- and short-wave band

Official Gazette Order: 1/2020
Short designation: SSB RU 013
Status: 06/2019

SSB RU 013 (pdf / 262 KB)

T-DAB+ transmitters

Official Gazette Order: 118/2022
Short designation: SSB RU 014
Status: 04/2022

SSB RU 014 (pdf / 1 MB)

Special radio service (SF)

Interface specification for Commercially available amateur radio equipment (satellite-based)

Official Gazette Order: 7/2017
Order no: 407 421 001-1
Short designation: SSB SF 003
Status: 07/2016
Price: 24,00 €

SSB SF 003 (pdf / 483 KB)

Interface specification for weather sondes in the meteorological aids service

Official Gazette Order: 101/2017
Order no: 407 421 003-1
Short designation: SSB SF 004
Status: 01/2017
Price: 12,00 €

SSB SF 004 (pdf / 373 KB)

Interface specification for commercially available amateur radio equipment operating in the frequency band up to 275 GHz (terrestrial)

Official Gazette Order: 137/2018
Short designation: SSB SF 006
Status: 04/2018

SSB SF 006 (pdf / 1 MB)

Development and implementation

Radio interface specifications are drafted by the Bundesnetzagentur in consultation with the stakeholders. The drafts are notified to the Commission in accordance with the EU-wide procedure for the provision of information in the field of standards and technical regulations laid down in Directive (EU) 2015/1535. The European Commission publishes the drafts in the Technical Regulations Information System (TRIS). Comments or detailed opinions can be submitted within a standstill period of (usually) three months.

The specifications are then adopted and enter into force through the publication of an administrative order in the Bundesnetzagentur's Official Gazette. The administrative orders and the final texts of the interface specifications are also published in the TRIS database.

Special regulations and exceptions for the aeronautical and maritime radio services

Some types of radio equipment used in the aeronautical and maritime radio services still require equipment-specific approvals, which are granted on the basis of the relevant traffic regulations issued by national or international organisations (eg the Federal Supervisory Authority for Air Navigation Services (BAF), European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH)).

Directive 2014/53/EU and the conformity assessment procedure set out in Article 17 of this Directive do not apply to radio equipment in the maritime radio service, which falls within the scope of the Directive on marine equipment (Directive 2014/90/EU, as amended). Such equipment is subject to the conformity assessment procedure set out in Article 15 of the Directive on marine equipment.

Further information is available on the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency's website (search term: "Schiffsausrüstungsrichtlinie").

Directive 2014/53/EU and the conformity assessment procedures set out in this Directive do not apply to aviation equipment either if this equipment falls within the scope of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 and is intended exclusively for airborne use. Such equipment is subject to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139.

Suspended interface specifications

A list of the interface specifications that have been suspended since 2010 is available here. For more information please see the Official Gazette administrative orders or contact us at ssb@BNetzA.de.

Any questions about radio interface specifications can be emailed to ssb@BNetzA.de.

Information and orders

Printed copies of German radio interface specifications published up to 31 December 2017 can still be purchased. Radio interface specifications published after that date are available free of charge and online, in PDF format.

Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen
Außenstelle Erfurt
Zeppelinstraße 16
99096 Erfurt
Telephone: +49 (0)361 7398-272; Fax: +49 (0)361/7398-184
Email: druckschriften.versand@bnetza.de
