Co­op­er­a­tion with oth­er in­sti­tu­tions

Under its market surveillance activities the Bundesnetzagentur cooperates with various authorities and institutions at both national and European level.

Cooperation at national level

At national level cooperation takes place with market surveillance authorities of the individual federal states within a dedicated working committee of the federal states (AA MÜ). Findings on critical products are processed and published in cooperation with the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA).

Cooperation at European level

At European level the Bundesnetzagentur cooperates with the regulatory body Telecommunication Conformity Assessment and Market Surveillance Committee (TCAM).

TCAM was established in the form of a committee under Article 13 of Directive 1999/5/EC (Directive on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity) to assist the Commission. Pursuant to Article 14 of the Directive, TCAM functions as an advisory and regulatory body (Article 15) with respect to conformity assessment and market surveillance.

TCAM is chaired by a representative of the Commission. Every EU member state is represented by authorities responsible for implementing Directive 1999/5/EC. In addition, it is possible for representatives of the EFTA states, national experts and other experts from European organisations (eg CEPT) to participate. In the case of specific regulatory questions, however, only representatives of the authorities and the Commission are permitted to participate. Meetings take place about two to three times a year (not open to the public).

TCAM documents are available to authorised users via the Commission's CIRCA server. Documents available to the public are provided on the Commission's website.

The ADCO (Administrative Co-operation) Group assists and complements the work of the TCAM Committee. ADCO R&TTE is a working group consisting of representatives from the national market surveillance authorities responsible for Directive 1999/5/EC.

The ADCO Groups (ADCO EMC and ADCO R&TTE) provide for an exchange of information between the national market surveillance authorities and promote harmonisation of market surveillance activities in all Member States. Joint market surveillance campaigns are carried out to verify the conformity of selected product areas throughout Europe. Such activities are aimed at optimising market surveillance efficiency. At European level, joint market surveillance activities are carried out and an exchange of information takes place.

Results of European market surveillance campaigns


  1. EMC Campaign (2004/2005) – Energy saving light bulbs
  2. EMC Campaign (2007/2008) – Electric power tools
  3. EMC Campaign (2009/2010) – Consumer electronics – DVD/Blu-ray/plasma/LCD TV equipment
  4. EMC Campaign (2011) – LED lighting equipment
  5. EMC Campaign (2012/2013) – Switched mode power supplies (currently under assessment)

Cooperation with the Netherlands and Switzerland (2012) "Ready-made connecting devices – cables"

Radio and telecommunications terminal equipment

  1. R&TTE Campaign (2002/2002) – Verification of R&TTE product marking
  2. R&TTE Campaign (2005/2006) – Short Range Devices (SRDS)
  3. R&TTE Campaign (2008/2009) – Private Mobile Radio (PMR) and 2.4 GHZ products
  4. R&TTE Campaign (2009) – FM transmitters

Bilateral campaign: Cooperation with the Netherlands (2012) "Tablet PCs" (currently under assessment)

Date of modification:  2013.02.01
