Con­sumer-friend­ly broad­cast re­ceivers

The latest amendment to the European legislative framework means that it is the market players who are largely responsible for the interoperability of digital broadcast receivers. This underpins the general aim of interoperability, with the objectives being set out in, inter alia, recitals (32) and (33) of the Universal Service Directive.

In light of today's dynamic changes in the market – with technical innovations and new user trends – this aim is a formidable challenge for all market participants.

The Bundesnetzagentur is able to draw on the experience gained through participation in international standardisation organisations in supporting the market players with their task. Interoperability and consumer aspects are put forward for consideration in the standardisation process for broadcast receivers, and a new project – "Analysis of the European market for digital broadcasting and sustained promotion of interoperability and hence competition in the terminal equipment sector" – has been established. The Bundesnetzagentur maintains a close dialogue with market participants and consumer organisations extending beyond specific interoperability issues.

A key element of the Bundesnetzagentur's work in this area is moderating the "Alliance for consumer-friendly terminals for horizontal markets – interchangeable CA/DRM Systems" initiated by market players. The idea behind this initiative came into being within the Telecommunications Technical Regulation Committee (ATRT), an independent body which assists the Bundesnetzagentur in an advisory capacity.

ATRT deals in this area with the issues directly impacting on interoperability concerning the use of

  • conditional access and digital rights management (CA/DRM) Systems and
  • middleware.

Date of modification:  2014.01.21

Further informations


ATRT-PG Middleware
