Com­pa­ra­ble Bod­ies

A comparable body within the meaning of §5 of the Telecommunications Customer Protection Ordinance (Telekommunikations-Kundenschutzverordnung –TKV) shall mean a natural person or legal entity that, without assuming the formal status of a publicly appointed, sworn expert, has and is capable of providing appropriate proof of the equivalent expertise for assessing the underlying scope of a test report.

A comparable body shall be

  • an accredited quality system certification body that is entitled to issue test certificates in accordance with §5 of the TKV, having the competence and right to act as a comparable body as referred to in §5 of the TKV, or
  • a body providing confirmation through an expert opinion of its proficiency in issuing proof for the purposes of §5 of the TKV.

More information on comparable bodies has been published in Administrative Order 6/2001, Official Gazette 1/2001, of 17 January 2001 Communication on proof of compliance as required by §5 of the Telecommunications Customer Protection Ordinance (TKV)

Administrative Order 6/2001 (pdf / 20 KB)

List of assessors for the evaluation of bodies as comparable bodies within the meaning of §5 of the TKV (pdf / 28 KB)

Date of modification:  2005.06.07
