Geographic area listings
The geographic area listing shows the local networks and their communities. The data are based on the Federal Statistical Office's publication "Official code numbers and population data of the communities and administrative districts in the Federal Republic of Germany (Community listing)". As the geographic area listing shows the area codes in relation to the community code numbers, it will in future be updated annually.
The geographic area listing is structured as follows
Column 1 Area code
Column 2 Name of the local network
Column 3 Name of the community
Column 4 Community code number
Column 5 Status
At present the following list is available:
Geographical area listing 2008 (As of 31 Dec. 2008)
Notes on the geographic area listing 2008:
The following Austrian community can also be reached using a German area code:
*1) Jungholz / Tirol is connected to the local network 08365 Wertach
*2) The Dutch part of the cross-border commercial park "AVANTIS" Aachen-Heerlen can also be reached using the German area code 0241 Aachen. ONBV
Date of modification: 2010.05.06