
Spectrum assignments for motorsport events

A spectrum assignment is needed to use any spectrum in Germany (as per TKG). This includes events on motor racing tracks and other motorsport events. If no general assignment has been issued, the Bundesnetzagentur will make individual assignments.

For motorsports (short-term spectrum assignments), assignments are issued in a simplified procedure as short-term assignments for a maximum of 30 consecutive days.

Spectrum assignments for short-term use are tied to a specific event and location. All information may be found in the Administrative rules on spectrum assignment for short-term use.

Assignment areas for German motor racing tracks
TrackArea [km2]
Nürburgring3.916 (Grand Prix)
17.860 (Nordschleife)
Norisring (Stadtkurs Nürnberg)0.500

Submitting an application

Please use the up-to-date form for your application.

The following information is necessary:

  • assignment area
  • period of use
  • adjustable frequency range of the equipment.

Please note

  • Applications should be made no later than 15 days before use.
  • Max 30 days per assignment
  • Bandwidths of 6.25 kHz and 12.5 kHz should be chosen as a priority; spectrum with a bandwidth of 20 kHz will no longer be assigned.

It may not be possible to make all spectrum available at all sites. If spectrum cannot be made available, an alternative will be found where possible.

The Bundesnetzagentur reserves the right

  • to specify spectrum for use pursuant to the adjustable band and
  • to issue an assignment exclusively for one site, irrespective of the application.

Contacts at the Bundesnetzagentur

Motorsport series with more than one race at different racing tracks in Germany

Referat 223 "Motorsport"
Canisiusstraße 21
55122 Mainz

Motorsport events only at the Nürburgring (24h races, NLS, Blancpain, TruckGP, etc)

Dienstleistungszentrum 4 "Motorsport"
Elly-Beinhorn-Straße 2
65760 Eschborn

Help with choosing spectrum

It is not possible to assign spectrum from certain bands for short-term use.
A list of these bands is available here:
List of bands for which spectrum assignment is not possible

Some spectrum can be used under a general assignment without the need for a separate assignment, but use of the spectrum needs to be notified to the Bundesnetzagentur (see above).
A list of this spectrum is available here:
List of bands for which spectrum may be used without a separate assignment

Inspection of equipment

The Bundesnetzagentur will inspect all equipment used under a general/individual/short-term assignment at the venues and press centres and in the immediate vicinity (approximately one kilometre radius) and will give stickers to equipment that passes inspection.

Any equipment that is not in proper technical condition or for which no (short-term, individual or general) assignment has been granted will not be given a sticker and will not be able to be operated. The inspections will be carried out by representatives of the Bundesnetzagentur, who are available at the press centres, broadcast compounds and media centres.


Fees are charged for assigning spectrum and, under certain conditions, for rejecting applications.

Amount of fees

Under the Telecommunications Act (TKG) in conjunction with the current version of the Bundesnetzagentur’s special ordinance on fees for spectrum assignment, the fee for the temporary use of spectrum (up to 30 days) is at least €30.

Please note that the short-term assignment fees for applications that the Bundesnetzagentur receives less than 15 days before the first day of use (based on the receipt stamp for postal applications or the date of receipt in the email inbox for email applications) or for larger areas of coverage are higher based on a sliding scale.

Further information can be found in the Bundesnetzagentur’s special ordinance and in the administrative rules for short-term assignments (VVKuNz).

The file below can be used to calculate the approximate fees payable.
Calculation of fees

Please note that the fees calculated using the file are estimates. The exact fees can only be calculated on the basis of the data provided in an application and the actual short-term spectrum assignment granted.

Annual contributions

Spectrum assignment holders must also pay annual contributions. These contributions are calculated in accordance with the Spectrum Protection Contributions Ordinance (FSBeitrV).

Short-term assignments are not currently subject to contributions.