Previous decisions

April 2015 - Admission to the auction

The spectrum auction was preceded by a qualification procedure to check that the legal requirements for admission to the auction had been fulfilled. The following companies were admitted to the auction:

  • Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
  • Telekom Deutschland GmbH
  • Vodafone GmbH

January 2015 - Decision on the award of spectrum

The President's Chamber of the Bundesnetzagentur published a decision on the award of spectrum in the 700 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 1.5 GHz bands for wireless access for the provision of telecommunications services (mobile broadband).

The inclusion of the 700 MHz spectrum takes place as part of a national consensus between the federal government and the federal states on using the 700 MHz spectrum for mobile broadband, which was reached at a conference of the heads of the federal states on 11 December 2014.

Decision (pdf / 2 MB) (TRANSLATION)

Applications to qualify to take part in the auction were to be submitted until 6 March 2015. The auction is scheduled for the second quarter of 2015.

January 2015 - Public hearing

In January 2015 the President's Chamber invited all interested parties to a public hearing concerning the order for and choice of proceedings and on the determinations and rules (award rules) and on the determinations and rules for conduct of the proceedings (auction rules) to award spectrum in the 700 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 1,5 GHz bands.

October 2014 - Draft decision on the award of spectrum

In October 2014 the President's Chamber published a draft decision on the order for and choice of proceedings and on the determinations and rules (award rules) and on the determinations and rules for conduct of the proceedings (auction rules) to award spectrum in the 700 MHz, 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands and additional spectrum in the 1452 to 1492 MHz band for wireless access for the provision of telecommunications services.

Tenor of the Draft Decision (pdf / 102 KB)

July 2014 - Update of demand for frequencies

In July 2014 the President's Chamber asked for notifications of current spectrum demand.

As announced in conjunction with the decision on the frequency regulation aspects of the proposed merger between Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG and E Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG (BK1 13/002), all interested parties were given the opportunity to put forward their spectrum demand, taking into account the changed market structure.

Update of demand for frequencies (doc / 155 KB)

June 2013 - Draft document for consultation - Mobile broadband

In June 2013 the Bundesnetzagentur had published a draft document for consultation to encourage a transparent debate on the provision of spectrum for broadband rollout in Germany in support of the aims of the federal government's broadband strategy. It proposes that the necessary mobile broadband resources be made available at the earliest possible opportunity in open, transparent and non-discriminatory proceedings and that a discussion on how best to proceed be launched.

Draft document for consultation (pdf / 225 KB) - BK1-11/003

The Bundesnetzagentur published, besides its draft, a strategy paper setting out its ideas on the short, medium and long term availability of spectrum resources for broadband rollout in Germany. Its principal aim is to provide planning and investment certainty for all the user groups affected, such as broadcasting and wireless microphones.

Strategic Aspects of the Availability of Spectrum for Broadband Rollout in Germany (pdf / 240 KB)

November 2012 - Scenarios for the provision of 900 MHz and 1800 MHz frequencies

On 9 November 2012 the Bundesnetzagentur published various scenarios for the provision of 900 and 1800 MHz frequencies (former GSM bands) and additional frequencies.

Presentation of scenarios (pdf / 858 KB)
Scenarios paper - Translation (pdf / 217 KB)

May 2012 - Consultation on demand identification proceedings

In May 2012 the President's Chamber published a list of questions about facts and assumptions relevant to a reliable forecast of frequency requirements in the short, medium and long term. These questions focus on technological and market developments as well as appropriate frequency equipment aspects.

Analysis paper Projekt 2016 - Translation (pdf / 808 KB)

December 2011 - Identification of demand for spectrum in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands

In December 2011 the President's Chamber started by opening official demand identification proceedings, in order to establish ex officio the demand for spectrum in the bands at 880 to 915 MHz, 925 to 960 MHz, 1725 to 1785 MHz and 1820 to 1880 MHz for wireless access for the provision of telecommunications services as from 1 January 2017.

Interested undertakings were called upon to submit notification of their forecast requirements in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands as from 1 January 2017.

Demand identification proceedings - Translation (pdf / 180 KB)

July 2011 - Key Elements Paper

- Official proceedings for identifying demand in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands

The Key Elements Paper, published on 6 July 2011, had the two-fold advantage of providing an insight into how the Bundesnetzagentur plans to proceed, whilst giving interested parties the opportunity to prepare for participation in good time.

Key Elements Paper - Translation (pdf / 118 KB)
