Short-term fre­quen­cy as­sign­ment

Every frequency used in Germany needs a frequency assignment pursuant to the German Telecommunications Act (Telekommunikationsgesetz - TKG). Where no general frequency assignment has been issued, the Bundesnetzagentur will make individual assignments. If frequencies are to be used for a short term only, eg for motor races, sports events, concerts and trade fairs, assignments are issued in a simplified procedure as short-term frequency assignments. These are issued for a maximum period of 30 days.

Frequency assignment for short-term use is generally tied to a specific event and location. More details can be found in the Administrative Rules on Frequency Assignments for Short-term Use (Verwaltungsvorschrift Kurtzeitnutzung - VVKuNz).

Administrative Rules (VVKuNz) (pdf / 81 KB)

Special information

Please note the new Special Fees Ordinance of the Federal Network Agency Frequency Allocation.
You will find information on this below in the "Fees" tab.

Zuteilungsgebiete Deutsche Motorsportrennstrecken / Allocation areas German motor racing circuits (pdf / 124 KB)

Special events

UEFA Champions League Final 2025: Munich 31.05.2025

FISU World University Games - 16.–27. July 2025


Further information on applying for frequencies for motorsport can be found on the special page on motorsport

Motor sports information page

All about short-term use

Is it possible to deviate from the Frequency Plan?

Frequency usages that are applied for as short-term use do not always conform with the provisions of the Frequency Plan. Where frequency demand is required at short notice, deviations from the frequency specifications in the Frequency Plan are permitted for a limited time in accordance with section 97 TKG.

This is provided that the frequency usages indicated in the National Frequency Allocation Plan (NFAP) or the Frequency Plan are not adversely affected.

What do I need to do with general frequency assignments?

For certain applications and frequencies, no individual frequency assignment is required. These are generally assigned (general frequency assignments). All users of general frequency assignments must ensure that their usage does not cause interference for other users. Therefore users should come to an agreement on site about which frequencies they are using.

You can find the current general frequency assignments here: General frequency assignments of the Bundesnetzagentur.

Please note: for certain events, the Bundesnetzagentur must be notified in advance of the general frequency assignments that will be used at the event. For these events the procedure is outlined on a separate information page. Links with further information are above, under “Special events.”

Where do I submit an application?

Individuals and companies whose place of residence or registered office is in Germany should contact the regional office responsible for the area where their event is located.

You can select the service center responsible for you using the Excel file:
KuNz-DLZ4-Suche (xlsx / 1 MB)

Individuals and companies whose place of residence or registered office is not in Germany should contact:

Department 223
Canisiusstraße 21
D-55122 Mainz


How do I submit an application?

Applicants are requested to submit applications no later than 15 days before the intended start of frequency use. If applications are received after this date – this applies especially to frequency use in the vicinity of borders to neighbouring countries – timely assignment cannot be guaranteed.

You can submit an application informally or you can use the application form.

Antrag Kurzzeitnutzung / Application form short-term usage (xls / 288 KB)


Fees are charged for assigning frequencies and, under certain conditions, for rejecting applications. The fees are calculated in accordance with the applicable version of the Bundesnetzagentur's special ordinance on fees for frequency assignments (BNetzA BGebV FreqZut).

Under the Telecommunications Act (TKG) in conjunction with the current version of the special ordinance, the fee for the temporary use of a frequency (up to 30 days) is €30.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the assignment fees for applications that the Bundesnetzagentur receives less than 15 days before the first day of use (based on the receipt stamp for postal applications and the date of receipt in the central email inbox for email applications) are higher, the later the applications are received. Further information can be found in the Bundesnetzagentur's special ordinance and in the administrative rules for frequency assignments for short-term use (VVKuNz).

Frequency assignment holders must also pay annual contributions. These contributions are calculated in accordance with the applicable version of the Frequency Protection Contributions Ordinance (FSBeitrV).
Short-term frequency assignments are not currently subject to contributions under the ordinance.

The file below can be used to calculate the approximate fees payable.

Please note that the fees calculated using the file are estimates. The exact fees can only be calculated on the basis of the data provided in an application and the actual short-term frequency assignment granted.

Excel file for pre-calculation
Berechnung Gebühren KuNz-NEU-211001.xlsx (xlsx / 32 KB)

Any other questions?

If you have any other questions, please send an email


Short Term Frequency Assignments
Bundesnetzagentur, Canisiusstraße 21, 55122 Mainz

Referat 223

