FISU World Uni­ver­si­ty Games - 16.–27. Ju­ly 2025

The Rhine-Ruhr region and Berlin are the host for the FISU World University Games 2025.

FISU World University Games 2025 (Rhein-Ruhr)

A simplified procedure is used for the allocation of planned short-term frequency usage: Short-term allocations

Please send frequency applications for short-term allocations as part of the event to:

Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen
Referat 223 ("FISU 25")
Canisiusstraße 21
55122 Mainz


(Accreditation required)

For the following venues, frequency requests must be submitted using a separate application form:*
* All planned frequency uses that are already covered by existing frequency assignments or a public assignment must be reported by using a separate form.

Veranstaltungsort / Venue

Adresse / Address

ASC Duisburg WPOKruppstraße 32A, 47055 Duisburg
Ballsporthalle Köpenik VVOHämmerlingstraße 88, 12555 Berlin
Dreieckswiese im Sportpark VBVKruppstraße 30, 47055 Duisburg
ETUF Essen TENFreiherr-vom-Stein-Straße 204A, 45133 Essen
Grugahalle BKBMesseplatz 2, 45131 Essen
Horst-Körber Sportzentrum VVOGlockenturmstraße 3-5, 14053 Berlin
Ischlandhalle BKBStadionstraße, 58097 Hagen
Jahrhunderthalle BK3An d. Jahrhunderthalle 1, 44793 Bochum
Kemnader SeeHevener Strasse 335, 44801 Bochum
Landschaftspark Du-Nord CCEEmscherstraße 71, 47137 Duisburg
Lohrheidestadion ATHLohrheidestraße 82, 44866 Bochum
Max-Schmeling-Halle VVOFalkplatz 1, 10437 Berlin
Messe Essen Hall 6 TKWMesseplatz 1, 45131 Essen
Messe Essen Halle 1.0 TTEMesseplatz 1, 45131 Essen
Messe Essen Halle 3 GARMesseplatz 1, 45131 Essen
Messe Essen Halle 4 GRY/JUDMesseplatz 1, 45131 Essen
Messe Essen Halle 5 FENMesseplatz 1, 45131 Essen
Regattabahn Duisburg ROWKruppstraße 30A, 47057 Duisburg
Schauinsland Reisen Arena OCEMargaretenstraße 5-7, 47055 Duisburg
Schwimm-& Sprunghalle i. Europasportpark SWM/DIVPaul-Heyse-Straße 26, 10407 Berlin
Sportforum Berlin VVOWeißenseer Weg, 13053 Berlin
Sportpark am Hallo (PR) ARCHallostr. 50, 45141 Essen
Sportpark am Hallo BKBErnestinenstr. 57, 45141 Essen
Walter-Schädlich-Halle BKBKampstraße 2a, 47166 Duisburg
Westenergie Sporthalle BDMAn den Sportstätten 6, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr
Zeche Zollverein ARCBullmannaue 11, 45327 Essen

Applications for frequency

The application must contain precise information on frequency usage and the associated parameters.

Please note: Applications must be submitted before June, 20 (2025). Applications received after this date will be given lower priority. A response before the start of the event cannot be guaranteed for applications received late.

Applications for frequency use at the listed venues

Frequency applications for the venue and the immediate vicinity (radius 1 km) can be submitted using the following application form:
Antrag zur Frequenznutzung Veranstaltungsort (FISU) (xls / 288 KB)

Other locations

Frequency applications for other locations can be submitted using the following application form:
Antrag zur Frequenznutzung - andere Orte (FISU) (xls / 289 KB)

Notification of spectrum use at the listed venues

In order to ensure effective and interference-free frequency use during the event, it is necessary that all planned frequency uses that are already covered by existing frequency assignments or a public assignment (Allgemeinzuteilung) must be reported to the Bundesnetzagentur.

See also: Liste der Frequenzen/-bereiche für die Frequenznutzungen ohne eine weitere gesonderte Frequenzzuteilung möglich sind (pdf / 100 KB)

This applies to intended use of frequencies in the period from July, 01 to July, 27 (2025) within a radius of 1 km around the venue.

Please use the following form and always state the valid allocation number of the Bundesnetzagentur.
Anzeige von Frequenznutzungen (FISU) (xls / 310 KB)
Please note:
The application must contain precise information on frequency usage and the associated parameters.

Frequency notifications must be submitted before June, 20 (2025). Notifications received after this date will be given lower priority. A response before the start of the event cannot be guaranteed for applications received

Help with choosing spectrum

It is not possible to assign spectrum from certain bands for short-term use. A list of these bands is available here:

Liste der Frequenzbereiche, in denen eine Frequenzzuteilung nicht möglich ist (pdf / 54 KB)

Some spectrum can be used under a general assignment without the need for a separate assignment, but use of the spectrum needs to be notified to the Bundesnetzagentur. A list of this spectrum is available here:

Liste der Frequenzen/-bereiche für die Frequenznutzungen ohne eine weitere gesonderte Frequenzzuteilung möglich sind (pdf / 100 KB)

Inspection of equipment

The Bundesnetzagentur will inspect all equipment used under a general/individual/short-term assignment at the venues and press centres and in the immediate vicinity (approximately one kilometre) and will give stickers to equipment that passes inspection.

Any equipment that is not in proper technical condition or for which no (short-term, individual or general) assignment has been granted will not be given a sticker and will not be able to be operated. The inspections will be carried out by representatives of the Bundesnetzagentur, who are available at the press centres, broadcast compounds and media centres.

Spectrum assignment fees

Fees are charged for assigning spectrum and, under certain conditions, for rejecting applications. The fees are calculated in accordance with the applicable version of the Bundesnetzagentur's special ordinance on fees for spectrum assignments (BNetzA BGebV FreqZut). Under the Telecommunications Act (TKG) in conjunction with the current version of the Bundesnetzagentur's special ordinance, the fee for the temporary use of spectrum (up to 30 days) is €30. Attention is drawn to the fact that the assignment fees for applications that the Bundesnetzagentur receives less than 15 days before the first day of use (based on the receipt stamp for postal applications and the date of receipt in the central email inbox for email applications) are higher, the later the applications are received. Further information can be found in the Bundesnetzagentur's special ordinance and in the administrative rules for short-term assignments (VVKuNz).

Assignment holders must also pay annual contributions. These contributions are calculated in accordance with the applicable version of the Frequency Protection Contributions Ordinance (FSBeitrV).
Short-term assignments are not currently subject to contributions under the ordinance.
The file below can be used to calculate the approximate fees payable.

Please note that the fees calculated using the file are estimates. The exact fees can only be calculated on the basis of the data provided in an application and the actual short-term spectrum assignment granted.
Berechnung Gebühren KuNz-NEU-211001.xlsx (xlsx / 32 KB)

Further information about short-term assignments is available here.
