Satel­lite com­mu­ni­ca­tions

The Bundesnetzagentur's range of tasks in the field of satellite communications includes national and international spectrum planning, the coordination, harmonisation and standardisation of satellite services, and national spectrum assignments for satellite networks and earth stations.

The main aim of these tasks is to ensure efficient use of the scarce spectrum resources and interference-free coexistence among the large number of satellite systems.

Satellite communications have undergone continual development since their introduction in the 1950s, with significant expansion and growth in importance. Today satellite communications are used for various purposes that reflect their great social and economic significance, including

  • television and radio reception,
  • satellite-based broadband universal service,
  • data communications,
  • applications for the Internet of Things (IOT/M2M),
  • satellite navigation services,
  • aeronautical and maritime mobile-satellite services,
  • meteorological satellites, and
  • Earth observation for governmental or scientific purposes.

There is a steady rise in the number of satellite applications and the need to provide increasingly larger bandwidths. Satellite communications now cover the entire surface of the Earth.

Information on the rules for the use of spectrum for and the operation of earth stations, satellite networks and GNSS repeaters, on the advance publication of and assignment of usage rights for satellite systems, and on the Space Radio Monitoring Station Leeheim is available on separate pages accessible below.


Section 223 (Satellite Service)
Canisiusstraße 21
55122 Mainz

phone: +49 6131 18 - 0

