Satel­lite net­work fil­ings (or­bit sys­tems)

Under the German Telecommunications Act (TKG), any exercise of German rights to orbit and spectrum usage requires the prior assignment of these rights by the Bundesnetzagentur. The advance publication, coordination and notification (filing) of the satellite network with the Radiocommunication Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is required for orbit and spectrum usage rights to be assigned. The Bundesnetzagentur does not cede the usage rights, but transfers them to the rights holder simply for exercise.

Satellite network filing procedure (orbit systems)

The ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC) decide which radio spectrum can be used for satellite services. The decisions form the basis for Germany's national spectrum ordinance and spectrum plan.

A satellite network filing procedure can only be initiated by the telecommunications administration of an ITU Member State. The Bundesnetzagentur is the notifying administration for Germany, and submits filings to the ITU upon application.

Applicants must pay national fees for this procedure.
Holders of assigned orbit and spectrum usage rights must also pay annual contributions.
In accordance with the provisions of ITU Council Decision 482 ("Implementation of cost recovery for satellite network filings"), the ITU also charges fees for processing satellite network filings.

The ITU Decision sets out the procedure and rules for operators wanting to have filings submitted for geostationary/non-geostationary satellites. The filing procedure is fairly complex, involving various stages and consultation with the applicants. It requires knowledge of the relevant national and international legal framework and the more detailed provisions for satellite network filings and operation.

Germany's procedures for the advance publication, coordination and notification of satellite networks and detailed rules for the assignment of orbit and spectrum usage rights are set out in the following document: VV SatSys_EN (pdf / 506 KB) .

Applications for German satellite network filings with the ITU must be submitted in writing (by mail, E-mail or fax) to the following address:

Canisiusstraße 21
55122 Mainz

Geostationary-satellite networks

Geostationäre Satellitenfunksysteme / GSO systems (pdf / 94 KB)

Non-geostationary-satellite networks

Umlaufende Satellitenfunksysteme / non-geo systems (pdf / 123 KB)

This translation is for information purposes only.
